Sam Winchester

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Sam let the door slam behind him as he left the hotel, he couldn't stand to hear Dean bitch any further about how horrible the hunt had gone. Something about focusing better or whatever crap it was that Dean always said. He was getting tired of it, he needed to clear his mind.
Sam walked for a while until he saw a sign 'Deadman's Deep End' he pulled his brows together but turned where the arrow was pointing and came across a huge area of water. He heard a laughter and hid behind a tree, peeking around to see a girl, a beautiful girl, with Y/H/C, swimming around in the water. She seemed happy as she hummed. She sunk under water and Sam took that moment to step out onto the dock, smirking as he saw her hair sticking to bare skin.
"Ahem." a deep voice sounded behind you and you turned to see an incredibly tall human man, standing before you. You were in awe, you'd never seen a human up close before, and you'd never seen one so handsome. He smirked down at you. "Hi there" he said with amusement hidden in his tone. You blushed and smiled a little. "uh Hello..." you said quietly. "What are you doing?" he asked with a small smile. "Im swimming! What are you doing?" you asked with wide innocent eyes
Sam couldn't help but smile at you, you were so... he didn't know, he just felt happy. "Im trying to clear my mind." He said sitting down on one side of the dock. You swam until you were in front of him. "Clear your mind for what?" you asked. Sam chuckled and shook his head. "My brother and I are taking a cross country road trip and he's just getting on my nerves." You nodded and looked around. "Swimming helps me clear my mind" you smiled.
Although swimming was all you ever did, it was nice to get away from your over protective father. He always warned that humans were dangerous and no good. But you never listened, and this was your chance to prove him wrong. "So swimming naked helps you clear your mind?" he asked and you nodded. "So where are your clothes?" he asked glancing around. You looked around before finding a patch of trees. "Over there, I didn't want a person to steal them" you said sinking a little further into the water, your tail moving back and forth underwater. Sam stared at you, he was clearly thinking about something.
"So, whats your name?" he asked after a moment of silence. "Y/N...whats your name?" you asked moving to the other side of the dock, where he wouldn't be able to see you. Jumping up a little you rested your arms on the dock, letting your chin rest on your arms. Sam turned around and looked at you raising an eyebrow. "Why don't you just sit up here with me?" he asked when you laughed. "Im naked remember?" his cheeks darkened and he chuckled. "Right, sorry I forgot... um Im Sam" You smiled. You liked that name. "Sam, its nice to meet you" you said as he smiled "Its nice meeting you too....dont you get cold in there?" he asked as you shook your head. "Nope, I do this all the time." You let go of the dock and fell back in the water and swam to his side; still not being able to fully see you, he watched you swim for a while.
"Well...I better head back, Deans probably worried by now about me" you watched him stand, taking in how amazing he looked. "by the way, why do they call this Deadman's Deep end?" he asked as you grinned. "Its deep enough that when you hit bottom you can barely see the light at the top, plus it connects to the ocean, tons of ocean life swim in and out of here every day" you grinned.
Sam nodded. "Arent you worried about, sharks or something?" you grinned. "Nah, not really."
Sam chuckled and shook his head. "Bye Y/N..." he threw his hand up and turned walking away. "Bye Sam!" you called and smiled watching him go. You immediately ducked underwater, swimming as fast as your tail would take you to your father. You needed to see Sam again and the only way how would be to become human.

You swam as quickly as you could into your father's home. "Dad! I need to talk to you!" you said hopefully. He turned giving you a soft smile. "Y/N, darling what is it?" you smiled up at him; "Will you give me legs?" you asked as he lost his smile, yours falling as well. "No. Absolutely not." You grabbed his arm. "Daddy please! I met someone and he's so nice! I want to get to know him-." He spun facing you quickly. "What?" he demanded. Your eyes widened.
"What have I told you about going to the surface!" he shouted as you cowered down. "I'm sorry Daddy" you whimpered. "That's it! Y/N! You're grounded! Humans are dangerous! What if he'd found out you were a mermaid?! He would have taken you away from here! Thrown you in some tank or worse!" he shouted. "You are forbidden from ever going to the surface again!" he ordered and you gasped, the tears falling before you could stop them. "I hate you!" you screamed and swam off.
You wept as you left home; you couldn't stand your father and the fact of how he acted sometimes. It made you so upset. How could he do this? Not give you the chance to explore the world on your own. You would come back; he had to know that.
You felt a tug on your tail and looked down confused. You swam to the sandy bottom as a shiny small ball caught your attention. "reveal to me your deepest desires, for all will be yours, behind smoke and fire." You tilted your head at the beautiful hand writing. 'I want legs. I want to meet Sam again and see what the human world is really about' suddenly the ball glowed and surrounded you in a white light.
When you woke up, you were lying face first on Deadman's Deep end docks;looking around you had no idea how you'd gotten there. You slowly sat up, a white strapless dress covered your body and...your legs. You had legs! You grinned and touched them, looking at how amazing they looked and felt. You grinned and pushed yourself up, only to fall again. You looked around confused before you slowly stood up again this time getting your balance and slowly walking off.
She smiled from the deep dark shadows as she looked down to the dog beside her. "She's got one week before we get to claim her pretty little soul" she laughed as the dog howled and they took off in a wisp of black smoke.
"Dean, this place is empty for a nest." Sam said meeting him around front of the old house. "I'm telling you Sam, this is the only place that makes sense. Let's go hide out and watch for the night; see if we see anything." Sam sighed as he agreed with Deans plan; he couldn't seem to get you off his mind. You were so beautiful, he wondered if he'd ever see you again.
You'd ended up at a bar, and you'd ended up drinking some pink colored drink some handsome stranger kept giving you. "I better go; I'm looking for someone." You shouted over the music. The guy smiled "Maybe I can help! What's his name?" he said loudly in your ear. You turned your head a little. "His name is Sam, he's got shaggy hair-." the guy pulled back and looked at you. "Sam Winchester?" he asked as you smiled and nodded. "He's my roommate! I'll take you to him!" you grinned at the man happily. "Thank you!" you stumbled as you stood and laughed as the man wrapped an arm around your waist and walked you both right out the door.
As you climbed in his car, you suddenly felt sleepy. You groaned, turning your head to face the other side and closed your eyes. The man smirked before calling someone on his cell phone. "You'll never guess who's coming for dinner tonight. Sam Winchester's woman" he chuckled darkly.

Sam and Dean had been watching the house for hours, when suddenly a car pulled up and stopped. "Hey, hey" Dean hit Sam's arm quickly, waking him from a short nap. "we got activity" Dean said quietly. Sam sat up quickly, blinking a few times to focus on what was going on. A tall man with dark hair got out of the car and made his way around it to pull a girl from the passenger side.
The instant your head lolled back, Sam leaned forward. "what is it Sammy?" Dean asked looking at the girl before back at Sam. "I know her. Dean we have to save her" he grabbed his machete and quietly climbed out of the car. They stalked toward the house, each giving silent signals to the other. Once they reached the house, they went inside and began to search for you, killing vampires the moment they came into contact with them.
Sam was beginning to worry, had they already harmed you? Or worse? Sam searched room after room but couldn't find you. "Dean, I can't find her!" he approached his brother who looked at him before he saw the basement door. You had to be there, there was no other options. Sam slowly made his way down into the dusty basement. Once he placed his feet on the floor he began shining the light around the room.
There in the far corner, your limp body laid on a dirty old mattress. His heart beat sped up lightly, were you dead? Or had they turned you? He didn't think he could kill you if they had turned you. He slowly approached your body, and rolled you gently over to your back, frantically searching for any sign of wounds or even that you'd drank some of their blood. He scooped you up in his arms, your body was cold and clammy. He could see the sweat glistening on your forehead as he turned toward the stairs. "Y/N! Wake up! Come on!" he shouted shaking your limp body in his arms.
"They gave her some sleeping pills, she should wake up in a few hours" Dean said coming down into the basement and holding up a pill bottle before he threw it over in the corner of the room. Sam held you close as he looked at his brother with a sterner look. "Let's just get her back to the motel and put her in bed. I want to make sure she's going to be alright" he spoke with a gentleness in his voice before going up the steps. Dean watched him carry you to the car and began to wonder why Sam felt so protective over you all of the sudden.

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