Sam Winchester ft. Gabriel Part Two

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A/N: I would like to apologise for advance if I get anything wrong. And may be in a different style of writing now, sorry. May contain spoilers of season 11, but I'm sure that all of you have seen it. Enjoy!

It had been a week since the dream of you as Cinderella, and Sam as your Price Charming. But it wan't far from what you lives were. You were some one who he never noticed until one night, and he was a handsome man who could have any woman in the world, but stayed single. And that was a choice, he couldn't live with the guilt of bringing an innocent person into the hunting life. You both met for one night and you fell in love with each other, one of you ha to leave before anything else happened, the other left with a broken heart. This time though, there was no glass slipper left behind to, well not one that would fit anyway. So there was no physical evidence tat it happened, and it also broke your heart. But you still wore the pendant that Gabriel gave you.

Sam still thought that it was all a dream. But after all that, he had a whole different view on you from that night, he kept on picturing you in the same big blue ball gown, that he had seen you wear in the dream that he did. The way he interacted with you changed as well, he never looked you straight in the eye, and not even he knew why he was acting that way towards you.  He did notice the pendant around your neck though.

Through out  the years you both never forgot about that dream, you both refused to let go of the memory of the dream. But you both knew that it would never happen again, so you held onto the one piece of evidence you had, the pendant with the slipper on it, while he had nothing to show apart from his memories.

But that was before that darkness was released. You learned her name was Amara, and she wanted to become 'one' with Dean. You thought it was sweet, because she was locked away for so long, but you were way against the idea. You were there with Dean when he was holding baby Amara, and when Sam was infected. somewhere along the way Sam got the idea that God wanted him to re-enter the cage with Lucifer, you weren't going to have that though, not if you had anything to say about it.

When Sam and Dean were on a case in who knows where, you were in hell with Crowley and Rowena.

"So, dearie, what was it you wanted me to do again?" The witch bitch asked again, taking a sip of her tea. While Crowley had a glass of whiskey in his hands, taking a swig of it.

"I want to have a one on one chat with Lucifer. I want to tell him to not accept Sam's offer to becoming his vessel." You said in the doorway of the room. "I want to be able to talk to him, and tel him that not only Dean is looking out for Sam, but me as well. Can you do that for me?"

"Well of course I can do that, you probably won't get that far in conversation, but you can try. I just need to make sure that the Winchesters won't kill me for putting their last, and only friend in the cage with the one and only Lucifer," setting her cup down she started to take a bag of ingredients she had with her, (because why not), and lead you to a Limbo. For the souls with unfinished business. You were lead to an area with an empty cage. Rowena started drawing symbols around the bottom of the structure, after that she started to chant some symbols on the bottom of the cage, you were jut staring at her making sure she didn't pull any funny business. 

Once she had finished all that crap, she started chanting in Latin. The symbols on the cage started to light up and flames grew around the fire. The flames calmed down and you could clearly see Lucifer, with his signature smirk on his face.

"Well isn't it the Winchester's friend. Well the only one that's still alive any way," leaning on the bars of the cage he continued to speak,"So then, what can I do for you."

"I need you to stop messing with Sam, we have more important issues on our hands, and I would very much appreciate it if you were to not accept Sam's offer to becoming your vessel." You were trying to sound as fierce and intimidating as you could. Considering that you were in front of your devil.

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