Spencer Reid

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Spencer was on another case, leaving you at home alone. You knew what he was doing was important, but you missed having him home with you, especially at night.
You sat down in the kitchen and started eating your dinner. You turned the music on your phone on so there was some kind of noise.
You started eating your burger and fries, wishing that Spencer was there to be with you. It was lonely without him there. It was always hard when you had to go through your normal routine without him.
Just as you finished eating and had thrown your trash away, there was a knock on the door. You weren't expecting visitors, but you went to check to see who it was.
"Hey!" you smiled.
"Hey, Y/N. Is Spencer home?" he asked.
"No. He has a case. Is there something I can do for you?" you asked.
"Actually, there is," he said, lunging forward and covering your mouth with a cloth before you could do anything.
Spencer's Point Of View
"Spencer . . ." Penelope's voice was laced with tears.
"What happened? Where is she?" I asked, "Is she okay? Tell me she's okay," I was frantic with worry already.
"She's not there, Spencer," Penelope said, "She ... she was taken from the apartment. We have the footage."
I sank down to the ground, "No. No. No."
"I'm doing everything I can to find her now," Penelope said.
"I'm coming home," I said.
"I'm trying, Spencer."
"I know, Penelope," I said.
Reader's Point Of View
Your eyes opened slowly to find yourself in a damp, dark room. You were pretty sure it was a basement because of the high placement of the windows. The only piece of furniture in the room was the bed you were currently lying on.
You weren't tied down, which was a plus for you. But you knew you wouldn't be able to get out of the room. Things wouldn't be that easy for you.
You looked down at your hands and realized he had taken your wedding and engagement rings, "Seriously?" you tried not to cry, but those rings meant so much to you. How could he have taken them?
You stood up, feeling weak, your legs wobbly as you walked to the door. You were at least going to try to open the door. It couldn't hurt.
You touched the doorknob and twisted your hand, but nothing budged. You knew it. You took a deep breath and turned around, trying to calm your nerves. Spencer would realize something was going on. He'd find you.
You had heard enough about serial killers and murders from Spencer to know that you didn't want to scream. You really didn't want to alert your captor to the fact that you were awake just yet. You needed to try and figure out how to get away.
You couldn't reach the window without standing on something, but the bed would make too much noise if you tried to move it. There was no escaping. Yet.
The door swung open and he entered the room.
"You're so stupid, Y/N," he said.
"Do tell," you said.
"I've been hinting at it for so long," he said, running his fingers through his hair, "I've been in love with you since you moved into the building."
"I'm married," you said simply.
"He's always gone. You need someone who can take care of you all the time. He doesn't deserve you."
"Did you seriously kidnap me because you think I deserve better than Spencer?" you asked.
"We could be happy together."
"I'm married. To the love of my life. Just let me go."
"Not gonna happen," his tone completely changed when he realized that you were not going to budge, "I'm not letting you go. I deserve to have you."
"You need to let me go."
He walked toward you, lifting his hand, "I'm not going to be so nice anymore," he said, his hand coming down across your cheek.
It stung, but you bit your tongue to keep from crying out. You knew much worse could be done, but you hoped it didn't.
"I'll give you some time to think," he said, walking back out of the room and locking it behind him.
Spencer's Point Of View
"Play it one more time," I said for a fourth time. I was leaning as close to the computer screen as I could, trying to figure out who had taken Y/N. He knocked on the door, she opened it and smiled at him. She knew him. They talked very briefly before he lunged at her, covering her mouth with the cloth.
Penelope hit the play button, "Spence, you've watched it ..."
"Pause it," I said.
"What do you see, Pretty Boy?" Derek asked as I stared at the screen with a look of deep concentration.
"It's ... Mason," I said without hesitation.
"You're sure?" Derek asked.
I nodded, "We have to bring him in. He has to tell us where she is. We have to find her. Now."
Reader's Point Of View
You heard the commotion outside of the room and just hoped that it really was Spencer coming to save you.
"I'm here!" you screamed. You couldn't move. The pain in your stomach was too much, "Spencer!" After leaving you to think, Mason had come back and completely gone crazy, kicking and hitting you anywhere he could.
The door cracked and opened. Derek's large frame came running in, "I got her!" he called out.
"Derek," you sobbed.
"I'm here, Sweet Girl," he said, lifting you into his arms.
"Y/N!" Spencer came running in. As soon as he saw the blood, his anger grew even more, "You're okay. You're gonna be okay."
"Mason . . ."
"Shh ..." he kissed you, "Rest now. We'll get through this."
"I'll carry her to the ambulance," Derek said.
Spencer was right behind you as Derek carried you outside. You looked back to see that you had been in the basement of an old house.
"We're gonna get you to the hospital and fix you up," Derek said.
Spencer's Point Of View
"Mr. Reid?" a doctor finally came into the waiting room.
"Yes?" I jumped up.
"Your wife is stable. She sustained many injuries. Some are worse than others. Some are harder to see. We're keeping a close eye on her."
I choked slightly on my tears and nodded, "Can I see her?"
"Of course."
"We'll be right here, Reid," Penelope said.
I followed the doctor down the hallway, "Mr. Reid, she's in some pain both physically and emotionally; understandably."
I nodded, "I know."
The doctor just let me walk in, leaving me alone with my wife.
As soon as I stepped in and closed the door, Y/N burst into tears, "Spencer," she cried, breaking my heart.
I rushed to her side, "I'm here, Y/N," I said, "I'm right here."
"I was so scared I would never see you again."
"I was not going to let that happen. We have many years ahead of us," I said, gently smoothing her hair.
"I thought I was gonna ..."
"Shh ..." I held her hand gently, "You're here. You're still here and I'm right by your side."
"He took my rings," she said softly, fresh tears starting up.
I reached into my pocket, "These?" I smiled, holding them up.
Y/N's eyes lit up, "You found them."
"We did," I nodded, sliding them back on her finger, "There you go. So much better, yeah?"
She nodded, "Yeah."
"I love you so much," I kissed her.
"I love you too," she said, "Thank you for saving me."
"I will always save you."

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