Oliver Queen

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To @hannah_davis1

You watched Oliver climb up towards the podium to give his speech. While he was giving his speech you smiled, he had come so far from the fun loving party boy he used to be, even if he was a vigilante now. The words he spoke held so much meaning and they swirled around you as you hung on to every one. When he finished you saw him walk straight for you and your smile got even bigger.
"You did great!"
He pulled you into a soft hug and you cherished the moment. It wasn't often that Oliver would do this so you made sure to remember it.
"Hello, I watched your speech and I must say it was very good," a lady said as she approached the both of you.
"Thank you," Oliver said and then got called over somewhere and left you talking to the lady.
"You're one lucky girl," she exclaimed with a huge a grin on her face. You were taken aback and almost lost your balance. Why would she think that?
"Oh no w-were not," you stuttered and you could see she was clearly mortified at her assumption. You tried to assure her that it was okay but she wasn't letting you speak for very long, she just kept repeating apologies over and over again.
Meanwhile, Oliver was having the same problem. A man had spoken to him about you and told him how you both made an excellent couple. Although his reaction wasn't quite the same as yours. He just smiled and told the man how amazing you were, something he hoped you would never find out about.
You went all back to the Queen household to celebrate in a smaller group. There were still a few people that you weren't familiar with but it didn't bother you. It bothered you when they all stared at you and Oliver when you were near each other.
"Why do people keep thinking were a couple?" You whispered to him.
"I don't know, let them think what they think." You raised your eyebrows at his statement and he just laughed at you.
As the night went on it got very late and Oliver offered you one of the spare rooms in the house. You gladly accepted but forgot that you were wearing a long dress that would be rather uncomfortable to sleep in. You figured you'd quickly run into Thea's room to grab something to wear, she wouldn't mind as you'd done it before, but it was locked. So you took and deep breath and ran into Olivers instead. You were only in there for about a minute but it still felt like you were invading his privacy. You grabbed a t-shirt and some bottoms and then made your way back to your room.
A knock on the door woke you from your sleep. You opened the door just a little to see Oliver standing there. You smiled and opened it fully not registering what you were still wearing. He raised one eyebrow and laughed awkwardly, maybe it was more of a sigh.
"Are those my clothes?"
"Crap." Your cheeks turned bright red from the embarrassment and you placed your head in your hands. "I'm sorry I had nothing to wear and Thea's room was locked and-"
"It's okay, besides they look good on you."
"Oliver!" You shouted within a whisper and gently hit him on the arm.
"Hey, you know if you wear my clothes people are definitely going to think were a couple."

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