Kevin Tran

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A/N: Ii meant to publish this before I published 'The Last Kevin Tran Imagine', but i couldn't because I had to do some stuff.

You were a Winchester. And, while Winchesters were good at a lot of things, if there was one thing Winchesters excelled at, it was being sneaky. You knew your brothers like you knew the back of your hand. Hell, you could recognise who was coming down the hallway of the bunker just by hearing their footsteps. This made being sneaky that much more easier on you.

Which was exactly why the brothers didn't find out about your secret relationship with Kevin. You made sure to cover up all your tracks, always listening to hear if the bunker door was opening or if there was shuffling in the other room. Kevin slipped up once or twice, but luckily, you managed to cover his tracks, too.

One morning, you were in the kitchen washing dishes while Sam and Dean were sitting and eating their breakfast and Kevin was standing at the counter fixing up his toast. You were keeping your distance for now, but thankfully they were leaving on a hunt right after they finished their meal, a hunt which you politely declined this time. Any other time, you would have loved to join your brothers but it had been weeks since you and Kevin had some real alone time, so now would be the perfect opportunity.

Sam finished first and dropped his dish off in the sink for you to clean next. He muttered something about warming up the impala and left the room.

Dean followed shortly after, dropping his plate off in the sink. "Thanks for doing the dishes, lil sis," he said, then playfully put you in a headlock and tried to give you a noogie.

You groaned your annoyance and tried shrivel away. "Well, it is my turn," you said, pushing your way out of his arm.

Dean chuckled to himself and made his way to leave the room when he stopped suddenly and turned around. "Oh, I need you to look up something about the hunt for me," he said.

You grabbed the towel on the counter to dry your hands and faced him, leaning against the counter comfortably. "Sure, what do you need me to google?"

"See what we have on Kappas. Heard those turtles are real pains in the ass, so if that's what we're dealing with, we are gonna need to know how to kill it."

"Okay, cool," you dismissed. "I'll text it to you. Be safe."

Dean responded with a wink and left the room.

Immediately, Kevin went in to give you a kiss on the cheek, but you hummed a "no" and nudged him away.

He looked confused and almost hurt with how easily you dismissed him, but Kevin quickly understood why you did so when Sam peeked his head back in the doorway.

"Hey, (Y/N). Have you seen my laptop?"

"Check the library," you said with your eyes still on your phone, googling about Kappas.

Sam nodded and left again.

Kevin tried to give you a kiss again, but before he could, you whispered "No!" and pushed him away again. Kevin rolled his eyes and went back to finish making his breakfast when Dean peeked in the doorway.

"Find anything yet?" he asked.

"No, Dean!" you said with exasperation. "I'm working on it. I'll have it when you guys are on the road." You were hoping this would prompt them to hurry up and leave because frankly, you were getting antsy and ready to have your alone time.


You looked up at him and raised your eyebrows, nodding yes with annoyance.

Dean left the room and surely this time, no one would come back, so Kevin tried for the third time to kiss you and... was once again met with you pushing him away. "Not yet," you whispered with your eyes still on your phone.

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