40's! Bucky Barnes

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Bucky strolled into the bar, dressed rather smartly for a change, with the intentions of being with a pretty dame that night. He knew he could have any pick of the girls in the bar, and you knew that too. That's why you stayed tucked up in the corner of the bar, book in hand and your hair tied back. Almost every day was the same. You'd all of a sudden see a swarm of girls rushing to a particular booth, all dressed to the nines and smiling broadly, and then you'd hear "Now, now, girls, there's enough of me to go around," followed by loving sighs. Of course, Bucky loved the attention he got, and was never one to turn a lady down; sometimes you'd even see him leaving with more than one girl.
That's why when Bucky pulled up a chair next to you, you ignored him. You weren't going to be another girl he could just take home, another notch on his bed post. No. You were worth more than that so you kept yourself cool and carried on reading your book. Bucky cleared his throat, not once, but three times, causing you to snap your head up.
You were met with a grinning Barnes and a drink in front of you. "You know, it's rude to ignore people doll, especially when they buy a drink for you,"
"You know, it's rude to interrupt people just because you think you're a dreamboat or somethin'," You replied, laying your book down on the table.
"See the thing is, that's be-"
"Hey Bucky, are you coming to dance?" One of his many admirers called from over the booth he was originally sitting in. Bucky slightly turned his head and called, "Give me a minute doll face; I'll be over real soon."
You could hear all of the girls whispering, all asking the same question. Why was Bucky talking to you? You had been asking yourself the same question ever since you saw him place the drink down in front of you. Bucky turned back to you, a glint in his eye, "Now, where were we?"
"I'm sure we were in the same spot as we are now, unless we moved at some point, I mustn't have bee-"
"Are you kiddin' with me?" Bucky leaned back, grinning widely; it was as if you could see the gears turning in his head as he planned on what he was going to say next. "How 'bout you make my day and tell me your name?"
"How 'bout you make my day and leave me be?" You said, a smile almost making its way onto your face.
"Come on, just a name, that's all I'm askin' for," His eyes were full of hope and you could see the big blues getting wider as you huffed at him.
"Fine, dreamboat, I'm Y/N," you said, "-and I still don't get why you're hittin' on me when you got at least seven girls waitin' for you over there," he held his calloused hand out, waiting for you to shake it. You obliged, since, he did buy you a drink and all.
"Y/N, what a fitting name, just as beautiful as the dame it belongs to," Bucky said, lifting up his glass slowly to meet his perfectly shaped lips. You found yourself staring as he slowly took a sip and licked the liquor from his lips, "Oh, and to answer your question, those girls ain't got nothin' on you, I like a girl that keeps me on my toes."
You could feel yourself starting to blush at Bucky's comments so you quickly changed the subject, "So do I get to know your name or is this just a one way kind'a thing?" You asked, slightly turning away from Bucky. You already knew his name, everyone in the whole town knew his damn name.
"Pardon my manners, Y/N, I'm B-"
Yet again, he was interrupted mid conversation, this time by an over enthusiastic blonde draping herself over him. "Come dance with me Bucky, you said a minute, but I already miss you! You can't leave a girl waitin' all night."
"Yeah, Bucky, you better learn to treat a girl right," You smiled.
But little did you know, Bucky's heart was doing leaps in his chest as soon as he heard his name fall from your lips. Your voice was velvety smooth and Bucky couldn't get enough, if he could, he'd listen to you saying his name all day.
But little did Bucky know, you felt as if you were on cloud nine whenever he gave you his signature smirk, or when his skin brushed against yours. You were the one that couldn't get enough, not him.
"Look, Y/N, I-"
"Cut the sweet talk, dreamboat, why don't we reschedule? Meet me here tomorrow, 7 o'clock sharp," By now the smile wouldn't leave your face, never did you expect the Bucky Barnes, the neighbourhood charmer, to take an interest in boring old you that would much rather read a book than go out. But he did. And there you were, planning a date with the fella, his face all lit up like Times Square on New Year's Eve.
"Well, make sure you wear your dancing shoes doll," Bucky beamed at you, before standing up from the stool, but instead of going back over to all of the ladies waiting for him, he left the bar, feeling the happiest he'd felt in months.

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