Draco Malfoy

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You pull on your jacket and sneak out of the Slytherin common room. You couldnt sleep, you didnt know why but you just couldn't manage to turn your brain off. You sneak up to your favorite place in the whole school, the astronomy tower. You stand there looking up at the sky, admiring all the of beautiful stars.
"(y/n)?" You spin around scared you had been caught only to see Draco standing there. "Oh, hey" you say looking at the ground scared he might see the blush creeping onto your cheeks. Did he have to be so gorgeous?
"I saw you leave the common room-" he starts.
"You followed me?" You cut him off finally looking up.
"I just- i dont know, i wanted to see if you were alright" He sighs walking past you, holding onto the barrier as he looks out at the sky.
"Well, im fine" you say "i just couldnt sleep" you add standing next to him your shoulders touching.
"Whats bothering you?" he asks looking at you, his eyes burning into yours.
"nothing" You say truthfully as the wind blows through your hair causing you to shiver.
"You look cold, uh, have my jacket" he says and before you can anything he puts it around your shoulders.
"You're such a fucking cliche" you giggle causing him to laugh, his cheeks turning pink.
"You love it" he winks making you push his arm.
"Are you going tell me why you were really following me?" you say as he looks away.
"I told you" he sighs causing you to raise an eyebrow.
"You're telling me, you actually care weather i'm okay or not" you smirk.
"Yes" he says looking at you again.
"I care about you" he starts now fully facing you.
"I care about you too much" he adds not looking anywhere but your (y/e/c) eyes.
You didnt know what to say you were shocked, was he saying he liked you too? or were you just looking into things too much?
"What are you saying?" you ask Draco who had now become very close to you, the moonlight shining on his pale skin.
"What if i didnt say anything? What if i showed you" he begins moving even closer so now his body was pressed against yours making your heart beat fast and your cheeks turn red.
"Show me wh-" you start put get cut off by his lips pressing onto yours. The kiss was gentil and soft but passionate. You laced your fingers in his platinum hair and his were gripping your waist tightly as if scared you would leave if he let go.
Pulling apart you were lost for words. "I really like you (Y/N), have done for a long time" he says resting his forehead to yours.
"And i really like you" you say still catching your breath.
That night you didnt go back to the common room untill early hours in the morning.
You lay on the ground of the tower, Dracos arm around you and your head on his chest.

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