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"When will you come back?" you asked, looking at the Gabriel you had come to know and be friends with.
"I don't know," he said, "But I won't be forever. Just take care of my vessel. He's pretty cool."
You smiled, "We'll take care of him, Gabe."
"If you need anything, let us know," Sam said, "We'll do everything we can to help you with whatever it is."
"I will. Thank you," Gabriel said, "I'll see you all soon."
And just like that, the expression on Gabriel's face was different, "Umm ... hey," Dean looked at the vessel.
"I know of you all," he said. It was still Gabriel's voice, "So, you can just treat me like you would Gabriel."
"You're okay with being his vessel?" you asked.
He nodded, "I am. There was nothing on earth for me before becoming his vessel. And I've gotten to see so many things and experience things I would never have done if it hadn't been for him."
"I never thought about it that way," Sam said.
You smiled, "Well, I'm glad you're willing. I don't think Gabriel would be the same without looking like you."
"Thanks," he smiled a little bit.
You noticed Gabriel's vessel acting a little off. You thought it was just because he wasn't used to being around the group without Gabriel possessing his body. But you started to realize that he only really changed his demeanor when you walked into the room.
"Dean?" you walked into the kitchen to find Dean by himself at the table with a rather large sandwich.
"Hmm?" he looked up with a full mouth.
"Is Gabriel okay?" you asked, "I mean, his vessel. Is his vessel okay?"
"I'm sure he's kind of feeling weird about being here without Gabriel being in his head," Dean said, "Why?"
"He seems to not really want to be around me."
"He hangs out with you."
"Barely. I mean, I know he's the vessel, but I just wanted to help him feel welcome and comfortable. And it just seems like he doesn't really want me to be around when he's with you guys."
"I'm sure it's nothing, Y/N," Dean said.
You sighed, "Yeah. You're probably right."
"Hi," you smiled when Gabriel's vessel walked into the library where you were sitting with the rest of the guys.
"Hey," he sat down on the far side of the room from you.
"We were thinking of ordering pizza for dinner. Do you want some?" you asked him, trying to at least get him somewhat talking.
You sighed, "Okay. I'll go order it," you said, standing up. It was obvious you weren't going to get much out of him.
"I'm just gonna take mine to my room," you said, getting a couple pieces of pizza on a plate.
"Why?" Sam asked.
"I'll just let you boys have your time as guys. I don't want to be in the way," you shrugged, trying to just brush it off.
"You should stay," Gabriel's vessel said.
You looked at him, "Really?"
He nodded, "Yeah. You're fun to have in the group. And you shouldn't be alone to eat dinner."
You smiled, "Thanks. I'd love to eat with you guys."
"Y/N?" you heard Gabriel's voice at your door that night when you were getting ready to go to bed.
"Hey," you smiled at him.
"I ... I'm sorry I've been kinda weird toward you," he said.
"Can I ask why you were?" you asked.
He sighed, "I don't know if Gabriel will really like me telling you," he said, looking a little worried.
"He doesn't have to know," you said.
He rolled his eyes, "He'll know, but I hope it actually works out pretty well for him if I tell you."
"Now I'm confused."
He sighed, "Gabriel likes you. I can feel it and hear it whenever he's near you. And I don't blame him. I know how he feels when he sees you, when he hears your voice, when he just thinks about you. You're special to him."
You stared at him, "You're serious?"
He nodded, "I'm serious."
"Is that good?"
You smirked, "I guess you'll have to wait and see when Gabriel returns to use you as his vessel."
He groaned, "You're keeping me in the dark too?"
"Well, it's Gabriel who likes me, so I think it's only fair for him to know the news first," you said.
"I guess . . ."
You knew he was back as soon as he walked into the room, "Gabe," you smiled up at him from your bed.
"Hey, Sugar," he said, walking toward you.
"You okay?" you asked. He wasn't being his normal, energetic self, and it definitely worried you.
"I'm just tired," he offered a small smile and sat down on your bed with you, "I know he told you."
"I figured you would find out he said something," you said, "Don't be upset with him about it."
"I'm not," he said, "You needed to know that I have feelings for you. I didn't know how to tell you, so I guess that's why he did it."
"I'm glad he did," you said.
"You are?"
You nodded, "I was surprised to find out that you liked me. I didn't think that would ever happen. But it makes me so happy to know you like me too."
"Too?" his eyes lit up.
"Really? You couldn't tell I liked you too?" you asked, "I mean, I thought I made it pretty obvious."
"I guess I'm just like any other guy. I didn't pick up on those hints," he chuckled, "I just hoped you did."
"Well, I do have feelings for you. And I really missed you while you were gone," you said.
Gabriel smiled, "I missed you too. I just wanted to get back here so I could see you again."
"Well, here I am."
He leaned forward and kissed you softly, "All mine?"
"All yours," you said, "Always all yours."
Gabriel's smiled got even bigger, "You really know how to make a good homecoming for this archangel."
"You still look tired, Gabe," you said, "You need to rest."
"I wanna spend time with you," he said.
"Lucky for you, you can do both," you said, scooting over on the bed and patting the spot next to you, "We can spend time together while you rest."
Gabriel immediately lied down next to you, "Already a lucky guy."
"How is he?" Sam asked, seeing Gabriel just lying next to you. He wasn't sleeping, but it was close enough to that for an angel.
"He's tired. But he's okay," you said, gently running your fingers through his golden hair, "He'll be back to himself soon."
"You guys finally together?"
You nodded and smiled, "Yeah. We are."
"Good. It's time for you two to be happy."
"I think we're gonna be pretty happy," you said.
"Good morning, Sugar," Gabriel greeted you when you woke up the next morning. He was definitely acting and looking more like himself.
"Morning," you smiled.
"Thank you," he said.
"For what?" you asked.
"For making sure I got some rest. For being there with me. For just being amazing when I got home."
You smiled at him, "Home."
"You're my home, Y/N."
"And you're mine."

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