Remus Lupin

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"Truth or dare?" Remus raised his eyebrows, "what is that?"
"It's a Muggle game where you can decide whether you want to tell the truth to a question honestly or do a dare others suggested. Like you have to, no objections." James explained to his friend, waving his hands exaggeratingly. "So you in or not?"
"Well, it's not like I have a choice?"
"He's right about one thing, Prongs." Sirius smirked. "Y/n, Peter, Lily, come! We're playing truth or dare!"
You looked up from your book and locked eyes with Remus before you turned your face away to hide the enormous blush on your cheeks. Lily practically jumped onto the sofa where the boys were, "alright! Who spins the bottle first?"
"That will be me," said James. He waited for you to sit down, shooting you a knowing look. He, Lily, and the rest of the Marauders knew that you liked Remus, except the boy himself, to your dismay. You rolled your eyes when Sirius patted the seat between him and Remus, motioning you to sit down. You sat down gingerly, and James spun the bottle. It landed pointing towards Peter. Poor boy, he chose dare, and James dared him to jinx himself a pigtail.
"Remus!" Lily shouted as she spun the bottle and it pointed to him. "Truth or dare?"
"I'll go with truth," he chose.
"Do you fancy anyone?" She asked almost too quickly.
Remus frowned, fiddling his sweater sleeves, "yeah, you can say so." You froze, feeling perplexed. He has a crush? You thought.
"WHO?" Everyone except you and Peter asked at almost the same second. But being the smart one, he replied, "you already asked me a question and I already answered one."
Eventually, the bottle turned towards you. You being you, chose dare as you didn't want anyone to ask who you like or anything like that, although you regretted it the second you see Sirius' mischievous smirk. "Y/n, I dare you to lock yourself in a room with Remus for 30 minutes."
"What?!" You shouted.
"No objection is the rule, Y/n," James said while Lily nodded furiously.
You looked for Peter, pleading with your stares. He only gave you a sympathetic smile and a shrug, then you looked at Remus. He didn't have much expression on his face, but you could see that the tips of his ears were pink. You groaned and grabbed Remus' wrist, "fine." You led the boy into your dorm room and sat on your bed. "Sorry about this, they can be so irritating sometimes."
"It's alright," he smiled. "So, 30 minutes, huh? It's a long time."
"Yeah," you nodded, avoiding his eyes while trying to keep your face from heating up again. "You have a crush?"
Remus visibly froze, "don't tell me that Prongs and Padfoot told you who."
"No," you furrowed your brows, "why?"
"Because I'd like to be the first to tell her." He answered.
"I won't tell her even if James and Sirius told me. You can trust me, Re."
"I do trust you, y/n. But I'm afraid it doesn't work like that." Running his fingers through his messy brown hair, he shared an eye contact with you. You didn't understand a word he said, so you gave him a confused look. He sighed, "I thought I couldn't be more obvious. Y/n, it's you who I fancy." You felt your jaw dropped, speechless. Actually, you weren't sure if you were dreaming or not. Remus noticed that you weren't replying, "I'm sorry, this is stupid. I- I shouldn't have said that-"
"Hey, hey," you stared right into the boy's honey-like eyes and held his hand carefully, "I need to tell you something, too." He blinked blankly at you. You took a deep breath and grinned, "I feel the same, Remus. I like you so much, and I thought it was obvious as well."
He smiled genuinely and kissed your cheek. Your face turned red like an apple, and you hugged him tightly. His sweater was soft, and he smelled amazing, like old books, tea, and peppermint. You withdrew your hands, fixing your gaze on him. He rested his thumb and index finger on your chin before leaning in. Everything was slowed down as your lips met his. It was something hard to describe, but astonishing was the word. The kiss was intense yet extremely sweet, and you couldn't stop.
But you two were forced to stop as Sirius, James, Lily, and Peter pushed the door open suddenly, "30 minutes is up! Wait- what is going on-"
"James-" Lily grabbed his clothes and stopped him from running inside the room. "Sorry guys, please continue!" And with that, they closed the door, giving you privacy. You and Remus burst out in laughter in sync, and you cuddled yourself against the boy. Oh, this was the start of something great.

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