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The setting sun's rays were beaming through every crack in the tree house, and through the opening of the house, and slowly heating the both of you up. Your head was resting on Castiel's shoulder as his arm was draped around you, holding you as close as possible, as you both watched the sun set. Your tears were silently running down your cheeks and you were in doubt about how you really felt. You had been sitting like that for what felt like hours, although it probably wasn't that long. Cas had saw you were upset and had taken you to this beautiful tree house somewhere you didn't know, and as a hunter you knew quite a lot of places.
"Cas?" you said barely above a whisper, looking up at him. Cas tilted his head so he could look down at you through his eyelashes, his nose almost bumping into yours. "Yes?" his quiet tone matching yours.
"Why did you bring me here?" you asked as a few tears still trickled down your face. He looked a little confused at you, as to why you would ask such a question.
"You were upset and I wanted you to feel better," he bluntly answered like it was completely normal to take someone to a tree house to watch the sun set before you. You sniffled a little as you looked back at the horizon. "Are you?" he asked with sincerity in his voice.
"Am I what?" you asked as your eyes stayed set on the dancing colors in front of you.
"Better," Cas once again spoke. You didn't know what to answer as you didn't really know how you felt. There was so much in you that you couldn't explain, so many feelings yet nothing at all.
"I don't know, Cas," you said as you rose from his shoulder to sit up straight. "I mean, I feel... it's... it's hard to explain really, you probably wouldn't understand anyways," you tried explaining but giving up half way through. Cas turned you so you were now looking at him instead of the colored sky. He slowly raised his hand to stroke your cheek as if you would mind. You didn't move instead you pressed your cheek to his hand. "Try me," he said with so much determination in his voice and eyes that you couldn't help but feel like you had to.
"I just... I feel so much, I feel angry for not being able to help, which ultimately means I feel so very helpless. With the helplessness comes the sadness, with that more helplessness," you slowly started rambling, while new tears started brimming your eyes once again. "I feel like there is nothing I can do, like I only make things worse by feeling like this. I feel all this yet I feel so very numb. I feel like I am just an empty shell of a human who I once knew. But now can't see what nor who I am. How I am supposed to help when I can't even control all of my feelings, or lack thereof, for that matter," you trailed off while tears fiercely ran down your cheeks. You tried to wipe them away but every time you had wiped them away new once sprung from your eyes.
Cas gestured to pull you in for a hug, so you collapsed into him, letting him hold you as you cried and sobbed. He was saying soothing words like; 'it'll all be okay' and 'just take it easy and let it all out' while he was rubbing circles on your back.
As time went by and the sun said its farewell for the day, your cries died down and your breathing calmed. You knew your eyes were puffy and red but you could care less. You pulled away from Castiel as you dried your eyes and sniffled a little. "I know I do not understand me much on the human emotions, but I also know that everything will be okay. Dean and Sam are there for you, and I will always be here. You can always call for me and I will be right by your side," Cas spoke as he was looking at you and giving a lot of thought to the words he chose to speak. You felt a slight warmth starting from the pit of your stomach going to the rest of your body. "I know it's hard for you, but sometimes things will go against you other times they will go with you. You can never really know, that is how life is for you humans. I remember that from the time I was human," he said.
With that you crashed into him, hugging him as tight as you could while saying thank you over and over again. It took some time for the angel to respond to your hug, but he finally did and he didn't let you go for a long time. "Maybe it is time for you to get back to the bunker with the Winchesters," Cas spoke.
You pulled away and looked him deeply in the eyes. "Thank you, Cas. You have no idea how much I needed that, maybe you are not as bad at understanding us humans as you think you are," you said as a warm smile spread on your lips.

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