Theo Raken

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A/N: Theo is alive in this one.

This is your child

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This is your child.

Theo and I left Beacon Hills around a year and a half ago. We thought it would be safer. Not for us.For our child. We have a perfect little girl who had just turned one. Avia Raeken. She was such a daddy's girl.Theo adored his baby girl. He sat through all the tea parties, talked to all her dollies and told her countless bedtime stories at night.
But it was time. Time to go back to Beacon Hills. The Pack had no idea that I was pregnant. They were sad to see me go. But they didn't know I was leaving with Theo. I understand that Theo did kill Scott, but he has changed. He has changed so much! Theo was a totally different person. He was also an amazing father. Yes, we may only be 17. But we are doing well. We have now bought a new house in Beacon Hills and moving back.
It was the day of the move. Finally. We only had a few things to pack then we were off. The house already had everything we needed in. We needed to change some stuff but it will do for now.
When I woke up, Theo was still asleep. I looked on the baby monitor to see that Avia was awake and waiting. I shuffled out of Theo's grip so he wouldn't wake up. I opened up the door to Avia's room to see that she had a big smile on her face, behind her pacifier. I went and grabbed her, to give her, her morning cuddle. Before I took her to her dad, I changed her then we went to wake Theo up. We crept back into the room. Avia in my arms knowing what we were doing. I placed her onto the bed standing up, then she jumped onto Theo.
"Daddy!" Her giggles filled the room. It was like music to my ears. Theo wrapped his arms around her and she rested her head on his chest. I left them both when I went down to the kitchen to get Theo and me coffee, as it was going to be a long day, and Avia her bottle of milk. As I came back into the bedroom. Avia was cuddled up to Theo and they were both watching cartoons. I gave Avia her milk and Theo his coffee, then I went to get ready. When I came back into the bedroom. Avia was sat on Theo. Theo would raise his hand and smile.
"I'm gonna get you" He would say causing Avia to squeal and laugh, shielding herself. Theo would then grab her and tickle her. The would lift her up in the air and bring her down and kiss her cheek, telling her how much he loved her. I was stood in the doorway just admiring my little family and how perfect it was.
"Avia, go to mommy so I can get ready then we can go and get breakfast" Theo gave her one last kiss then Avia got off the bed and ran up to me. I took her into her room and got her dressed and took her downstairs. I couldn't cook anything as everything that we owned was boxed up in the car. So I had some ready made pancakes and I cut some fruit up and placed them into a bowl. Theo came into the kitchen.
"Daddy!" Avia shouted and ran up to him arms wide open. He sat down and placed her on his knee as the high chair was in the car.
"Why boxes?" Avia pointed to the boxes, that were needed to be filled with the rest of our things.
"Because sweetie we are moving," I told her. She looked up at Theo.
"Where moving?" She asked
"Well princess, we are moving to a place called Beacon Hills," Theo said as he began eating his breakfast.
"Why?" Avia was full over questions today.
"We have friends there. We haven't seen them in a very long time" I informed her as I put drinks on the table and started eating.
"Who?" She asked looking confused.
"You will see princess, now come on eat up, or I will eat it," Theo said encouraging his daughter to eat her breakfast.
"Nooo daddy. Mine" She said beginning to eat.
After we all finished eating I cleaned everything we used and but them in the boxes, as Theo helped Avia pick up all her toys and put them in the box. That was it. We were leaving to go back to Beacon Hills. Back home. Theo took the boxes to the car as I checked everything then came back and picked up Avia, as well as her pink fluffy blanket, which she wouldn't fall asleep without, her bottle and a pink Polka dot pacifier. He carried her outside and I followed behind. Theo strapped Avia into her car seat and gave her, her blanket so she would fall asleep. But before we took off, the cutest thing happened.
"Bye bye,any more" Avia said waving to out old house. It made my heart melt. As soon as we took off Avia fell asleep, snuggled up to her blanket, sucking on her pacifier. She was the sweetest thing ever. I looked out the window. Just thinking.
What if when he get back and they attack Theo....What if they test Avia to see if she is like Theo...But if she is like Theo they could help with getting her to gain control...What if they don't want toanymoreas I went with Theo..What if they hate me for having a child...And having a child with Theo!
"Hello, Y/N?" Theo said bringing me out of my daydream. I looked over at him and gave him a small smile.
"Are you okay, you kinda zoned out" Theo asked with a worried look.
"Yeah I'm fine was just thinking," I told him leaning my head on the back of the chair
"What were you thinking about" He asked
"What if they don't want to see. What if they hate me" I blurted out.
"Baby, they will be so happy to see you and get to meet our little girl. But me on the other hand, They might not be happy. I will just have to work on getting their trust back. The dread doctors are gone. I don't want power anymore. I have everything I will ever need in this car right now" Theo told. Which brought a tear to my eye.
"Theo, that's why I love you!" I said holding his hand now.
We arrived in Beacon hills and Avia was just starting to wake up. I handed her. her bottle. When we pulled up to our new house she looked over to it.
"New!" She shouted.
"Yeah princess, this is our new house," Theo said taking her out of her car seat then handing her to me. Theo grabbed the boxes and we both went in.
"Friends?" Avia asked. I guess it was a good time to go and see them.
"Theo, I will go and change her then we can go around to Scott's and see if he is home?" I asked and he gave me a nod. Once I changed Avia I put her back in the car and we drove to Scott's house. When we closer to Scott's house I noticed a blue Jeep and a Blue Toyota. Everyone must be there. It was Friday. That was when they had pack meetings. We pulled up outside and I got out and got Avia out of her seat.
"You go, I just have some things to sort out," Theo told me. I walked up to Scott's front door and knocked on.
"Y/N!" Scott shouted throwing his arms me and Avia. Everyone else came rushing towards the front door. They all had big smiles on their faces.
"And who is this little one," Scott asked.
"This is my daughter Avia," I told the as she was looking around.
"Daddy?" She asked.
"He will be her in a minute sweetie," I told her.
"Y/N who's the father?" Stiles asked. But before I could answer Avia wanted to be but down as Theo was coming towards us.
"DADDY..DADDY...DADDY" She yelled running up to him and Theo picked her up.

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