Newt Scamander

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You were freaking out. Practically in tears, to be exact. Your nervousness was beyond control. You were hiding in a corner, in your beautiful wedding dress, trying to suppress a scream of distress.
It wasn't that you weren't getting your way or that your wedding was ruined, heavens no, you weren't a crybaby woman who got upset if something wasn't right. It was your family. You felt like they didn't like Newt. And Newt's family didn't like your family and and and so on. It was this huge ball of tension, that finally exploded.
You were now sobbing and were so upset you thought you might throw up. "Oh, Newt!" You whispered, choking back a sob. You weren't ever going to regret choosing to marry Newt. It's just that you were a no-maj, your whole family was and they didn't quite understand Newt or his family. On top of that, you were probably breaking the law marrying Newt.
"Y/N?" Called a soft voice. It was Newt's sweet voice.
You madly rubbed away at your tears, trying to make yourself a little more presentable. "Go away, Newt! You can't see me in my bride's dress!" You croaked desperately. You knew he wouldn't listen to you, especially since your voice basically sounded like a sick horse.
Newt found you quicker than you could repeat go away. "Y/N...!" He said gently, his face soft and loving. He sat down next to you. "Are you quite alright?"
You weren't quite sure why he was asking you that, when clearly you weren't alright. "I just... I just need a little time for myself... I ate all the chocolate, Newt," you confessed guiltily, tears brimming up as you let loose a handful of chocolate wrappers.
Newt looked at the empty wrappers that were technically meant for the guests. "That's okay!" Newt said hastily, slowly scooting closer to you so you could rest your head in the crook of his neck.
Exhausted, you moved so that Newt could hold you. "I'm just... Stressed..." You whimpered, cuddling closer to Newt's chest. "I'll be fine... In a minute..." You sounded doubtful. You gave a little hiccup, which Newt found irresistibly adorable.
Newt tightened his hug around you, making you let out a satisfied groan. "You look lovely," Newt whispered softly, gently rubbing your arm in a soothing way.
"I love you," you moaned, your eyes closed and your ear right up against Newt's heart.
Newt began to softly run his hands in your loose curls. "I love you too," Newt murmured, his eyes lovingly observing the way you looked and clung to him for comfort. You looked so vulnerable and at peace up against Newt. He didn't want to disturb you, but he forced himself to say, "We have to go. Everyone has already been seated and your father is looking for you."
You made a whining noise and wrapped your arms around Newt in a pleading way. "Fine. But promise me more cuddling tonight?"
"You have my word, dear heart," Newt said, helping the distressed bride up. He took your head in his hands gently and looked at you. "You truly are the most beautiful woman."
You were about to say something, when the moment was ruined by your father said briskly, "Y/N! We've been looking everywhere for you! You look horrible! Go wash your face up and then come to the church doors! Newt, you're also late! The rest of the groomsmen are waiting!"
You gave a small little chuckle and Newt smiled sympathetically. "Later," he said, brushing his lips against yours and then walked out of the room with your dad, eagerly engaging him in conversation so that he'd leave you alone to collect your wits.
You washed your face up and applied some powder and a little bit of blush. The makeup was extremely simple, at any rate they didn't have the best makeup in the 20s. You then put on your mother's old necklace and then added on a small blue hat and took up a bundle of small blue flowers. Something old. Something blue. You didn't have anything from a friend, but you didn't really care. What you cared about was not making a fool of yourself in front of everyone.
Your father had walked you down the isle, there was a prayer, talk about how you and Newt met, how to be faithful to each other, and the two of you even said your wedding vows. Everything was going smoothly and according to plan. Aside from the mean looks thrown back and forth from the two sides of the family, everything was going so smoothly you were a little worried. Then... all hell broke loose.
The preacher asked for the rings and the little boy, holding a pillow with two gold rings, walked up to the stage. Some black fast object jumped out of nowhere onto the small pillow, making the surprised boy drop the pillow. Before anyone could really figure it out, the wedding rings were gone and the black little mole like creature was running down the isle.
Now it was Newt's turn to panic. And panic he did. Before he realized it, he had launched himself after the fast niffler, shouting, "Get back here!"
You charged after Newt, wobbling in your heels and trying not to fall. "Newt! Calm down!" You said, still chasing Newt, who was still chasing the niffler. After tripping, and making a royal fool of yourself, you took off your shoes so you could stop hopping around like a idiot.
Newt chased the niffler down the hall, into the reception room. He knocked down chairs and even a waiter dressed smartly in white and black. Newt ran frantically, not bothering to apologize to the poor speechless waiter. He chased the small furry creature outside.
Then an idea came to you. Up a little further off was a large water fountain. The chances that the niffler would try and circle it were high. Newt would chase it, and you could come up the other end, resulting in sandwiching the little creature.
You hastily veered to the left as Newt and the niffler, as you calculated just right, went to the right, circling the large fountain. Without thinking, you made a bold decision and ripped off a large amount of your white wedding dress.
As the niffler came into view, you held open the scrap of fabric, ready to catch the thief. The niffler saw you, but it was too late to put on breaks. He skittered into the trap and with fast fingers you bundled him up.
You were about to brag to Newt at how freaking awesome your move was, but Newt was still in full speed and ran into you. You lost balance and fell. Fell straight into the fountain, screaming and dragging Newt down with you.
You bobbed upwards and gave another panicked scream. The water was freezing! Newt popped his head out of the water and looked at you. "Are you quite alright, my dear?!"
He helped you out of the fountain, and picked up his niffler from your arms. After tickling the creature, he retrieved the rings. And a couple other valuables that the niffler had taken on the way.
Newt then turned to you, only to go scarlet red in the face. "Uhhhh..." Was all he said.
"What?" You demanded, shivering hard. You were confused as to why Newt looked so embarrassed.
Newt scratched his head and looked away sheepishly. "It's just that... ahhh... your dress... When it got, um, wet... I can see through. Like..."
Your eyes widened and your face turned red. You hastily tried to cover yourself with your hands and gasped, "I can't go back in there!"
Newt, without much thinking, took his ring, slipped it onto his finger and then took your hand and slipped your ring onto your finger. "There," he blurted out. "We're married. Let's go home?"
You looked at your hand and then laughed. You pulled Newt close and then kissed him. "Let's go home! The others will just have to sit and twiddle their thumbs."
The two of you apparited back to your house, without a second thought. Newt scooped you up bridal style and carried you to your room, where he gently laid you down on the bed.
You sat up and turned so your back was to him. "Can you unzip my dress?" You asked quietly.
Newt hesitated, his heart beating fast. He clinched his hands and then slowly began to unzip your dress. Newt's hand gently brushed against your soft skin, as he slipped the straps off your shoulder. The slip for the dress was still damp, and he was about to remove that as well when you turned around and pulled him close.
"I love you, husband," you breathed softly, his face inches away from yours.
Newt placed a warm hand on your back and lowered you to the bed, never breaking the couple inches away from you. His lips gently brushed yours as he whispered, "I love you, wife."

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