Liam Dumbar

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A lot has changed since I last saw my brother, Brett and my best friend, Liam. I've passed that awkward phase of my life and I look better than before. I started to exercise daily, I got rid of my glasses for contacts, joined the cheer squad and became captain of the team. I missed the two very much and I haven't seen them for two years. They sometimes called to check up on me, but I bet they've been busy with pack duties and think about me occasionally.
Like my brother, I am a werewolf. I have all the amazing powers like heightened senses, enhanced agility, etc. My friends have been skeptical on how I score all the time and never missed a shot while we play different sports, but I've always avoided the questions. This is one of the reasons why I had to leave Beacon Hills and go to this boarding school that Brett forced me to go to. He couldn't keep me away from that town forever though.
One day, I decided on going back to Beacon Hills and surprising everybody. I was already 16 and had my license for a few months already. I got in my car, blasting The 1975, the music flowed throughout the car, and drove away along the highway.
"How's your sister Brett? I haven't really talked to her since you made her move away with Lori." Liam questioned while looking up at the tall werewolf.
"I'm not sure. I haven't talked to her in a month. She's been pretty busy with school and we've been busy with the pack. We all haven't had anytime to really get to talk to each other." Brett looked down at this phone and thought about calling his little sister.
"I think I might give her a call. I'll be right back." He took a few steps and reached his car to lean on it. His fingers dialed up the numbers, wanting to hear his sister's voice and hoped she would answer. After a series of enduring rings, the boy got frustrated and hung up.
"She's not answering. You don't think anything happened to her, do you?" Brett walked back and forth, worried.
"Destiny knows how to take care of herself. Stop worrying yourself so much, she probably has her phone on silent." The young beta rolled his eyes and got in the passenger seat of Brett's car.
"I hope so." Agreeing with Liam, while also getting in the car and driving off in the direction towards his house.
"Which one is his house again?" I silently cursed myself out for forgetting. I drove down this street about ten times and I still can't figure out which one it is. I turned down my radio and sighed in frustration. In the rear view mirror, I saw bright lights flood my vision and a car that looked like my brother's car. They pulled up into the drive of a one-story house and took about five minutes to get out.
I saw the faces I've been wanting to see and squealed in excitement. I waited until they made their way into the house and I parked in the drive near Brett's car. The inside was still the same as when he dropped me off at boarding school, the front was super neat while the back was filled with gym clothes and lacrosse equipment. I strolled up to the door, knocking on the old wood and being careful not to hit it hard.
I had heard a small argument coming from inside on who was going to open the door. After five minutes and a few yells from both boys, Liam decided to open it. He slowly looked up and seemed stunned.
"Hey Li-" My word were cut off shortly when the door slammed shut in my face. I stepped back and my eyes widened. "Holy shit!" Liam said astounded.
"Your sister is here!" He took a sit and Brett could hear his heart beating quickly by the minute.
"She is? Dude, why'd you slam the door in my sister's face?" Brett made his way to the door and opened it.
"Destiny!" He engulfed his sister into a hug.
"Hey loser! You gonna join in Liam or are you gonna slam another door in my face?" Destiny laughed while holding out an arm towards him.
Soon after, they were all on the floor laughing and talking about how things were going on in their lives. Destiny's head was laying on Brett's chest and had her hand intertwined with one of Liam's hands. "I know it's been a long time of not seeing each other, but I really need a bath guys. Hopefully I remember where the bathroom is." I said while getting up to go gather up some clothes.
"First door on the left." Brett said with a smile.
I've never told anyone, but a few months after I was put into boarding school, I noticed something changing. My skin started to burn and irritate me whenever my body touched water. I know I wasn't hallucinating when I saw a few patches of skin turn a blueish-green. My eyes started turning into a teal color, different from the yellow they usually are. My claws wouldn't retract out when I needed them to and they seemed to be webbed.
Yesterday, the pain seemed worse and I thought it would go away by today, but I was wrong. I discarded the clothes off my aching body and slid into the warm water. I sighed in content and closed my eyes.
Suddenly, my eyes quickly shot open and I felt pain in my legs. It felt intolerable and I was close to screaming my lungs off. The pain made my legs move closer together and the bones were cracking loudly. I could see my legs joining together and what seemed to be scales popping up on my legs.
I cried out for my brother and Liam, gripping onto the side of the bathtub, but not being able to move. I screeched in pain and looked down to see a long tail was formed. My hands turned into webbed ones and I can feel my eyes changing.
I heard the constant banging on the door and the words, "Are you alright?" being spoken.
"Please help me! It hurts so much. I can't move to open the door!"
————————————————————————————————— Screams were the only thing that can be heard coming from the inside of the bathroom. "Help me break down the door Liam"
"You know I can't do that without being ma-" Brett punched Liam in the face and that's all it took for Liam to break down the door.
They both stood in the doorway, shocked to see a pair of teal-colored eyes staring right back at them with a mermaid's tail that extended more than the bathtub she sat in.

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