Killian Jones

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It wasn't his fault that he fell in love with Mary-Margaret, but it still hurt. The moment the curse broke you knew it was too late for you and David. So you didn't talk to him as much. You avoided places he frequented. Even taking it as far as to stay home more often. But you bonded with a pirate because of it, so you were thankful for that.
You were walking through town when you spotted Killian. He saw you too, crossing the street to be at your side.
"Y/N! Where are you headed?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.
You shrugged, "Nowhere really."
"Well then," He flashed a grin, "may I head to nowhere with you?"
"Sure," You smiled. He walked with you, striking up conversations. After a few minutes he stopped.
"Can I ask you a question?" He tilted his head.
You paused to face him, "Yeah, anything."
He lowered his head, "How do you feel about me?" Your stomach fluttered. You hadn't told anyone that you had been crushing on Killian, so how could he know?
"Uh, I like you, why?" You kept you voice steady as you replied.
"There's something you should know if we are to keep seeing each other." He confided. There was a sadness in his eyes, one that seemed out of place.
"Killian," You said, "What's wrong?" He had stopped at the side of a building to lean against it.
Seconds passed before he spoke again, "Look, I'm very pleased that we've gotten to know each other. And I've enjoyed your friendship very much, it's just–"
"Stop," You blurted out. Your thoughts ran wildly in your head. He's going to leave. He doesn't want to see me anymore. He's tired of being my friend. Tears welled up in your eyes, "It's fine, you can leave if you want."
His eyes widened, "What?"
"I get it," You glanced to your feet to hide your face, "You don't stay because of me.
"Whoa whoa, is that what you think?" He put his hand on your shoulder to comfort you, "Y/N I'm not leaving, that's not what I was going to say."
You looked up at him, "Y- you're not?"
He smiled, "Of course not. In fact what I was going to say was a lot better than that." He reached for your hand, staring into your eyes as he did, "The truth is I love you." It took a moment to process what he had said. When it did, you almost laughed.
"You what?" his stare didn't waver.
"I love you," He repeated. "Not from the moment we met, but I've known for a while now." He sounded sincere, you realized. "I just wanted to be open with you, I understand if you–"
"You really love me?" You asked, still in shock.
He laughed, "Would you like me to say it again?"
"No, it's just," You thought about your words before saying, "I love you too."
His face lit up, "No kidding!"
You blushed, "I didn't think you felt the same way about me." He put his arms around you in a hug.
"Do me a favor, next time can you tell me sooner?" He joked.
You let out a laugh, "Whatever you say."

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