Stiles Stilinski

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Why was it so hard to find my best friend Stiles. I could never find him in school. Half the time I just gave up, but it was beginning to get harder as I started to maybe like him? God, it was so confusing but I couldn't help it. I really did like him. " . He was my best friend, of course, I wanted to know where he was. He would always keep disappearing with Scott, then when I asked he would just tell me everything was fine, and it was nothing me to worry about. He was lying to me but I tried to forget about it.
Every day I saw him, driving into school in his blue Jeep, with a big wide smile on his face, which made me smile. We always greeted each other with a big hug then we would always go off and find Scott. I loved how it was just Stiles, Scott, and me. Just our little friendship. I have been thinking of telling Stiles how much I liked him. But would it be a good idea or not? I couldn't keep my feelings bottled up. I was going to tell him.
Every night we would skype. That's when I was going to tell him. I was going to build up all my courage and tell him. Tonight is the-the night the truth comes out.
When Stiles called me, I got butterflies. I can't believe I was going to admit to him that I liked him. I clicked the green answer button and his faced popped up.
"Hey Y/N, you alright?"
"Hey Stiles, and yeah I'm good, what about you?" I wasn't going to tell him how I feel straight away, I will talk to him for a bit first.
We spoke for around an hour. The we ran out of things to say and everything was quite. He was playing with his Rubix cube, something he would never be able to solve, but this was the time I was going to tell him.
"Stiles?" I asked, kind of making him jump.
"Yeah Y/N?" He questioned.
"Can I tell you something?" I asked again getting more and more nervous
"Yeah sure," Stiles said putting down Rubix cube. This is it. I was going to tell him.
"Stiles I.." But I stopped
"You What?" He asked.
"I like you" I finally told him, Now I had to wait to see what he had to say.
"God, Y/N. I love you....but you're my best friend. I don't like you the same way. You're my best friend and I....I don't feel the same" Stiles told you. It felt like he just ripped out my heart. I could feel the tears building up. It felt like my whole world had just collapsed.
"Ohh..right.. I..I have to go" I said holding back the tears.
"Y/N I'm sor.." I ended the call before he could finish his sentence. And that's when the tears flooded out of me. I literally cried a river. My eyes stung from the tears.

Stiles P.O.V
What have I just done? I broke her heart, just to keep Scott's secret safe. Because I don't want to tell her about the supernatural. She didn't deserve that. How could I face her in School? How could I act like everything is fine? I needed to keep her safe. I loved her too. But if saying that kept her safe, that would have to do.
Why did Scott and I have to go out that night to look for that dead body? If we didn't Scott wouldn't have got bit. And Scott wouldn't be a werewolf. And I would be dating Y/N right now. Why did the supernatural world have to exist?

Few Weeks Later//

Ever since I told Stiles how I felt, I feel broken. Everything has been awkward. Why did I have to tell him? Why couldn't I keep my stupid feelings to myself? But I was getting away from it all because I was moving away. My parents had to move because of work, so I had to go with them and I was so happy. But I had to tell Stiles. It was going to be quick and Simple. Well, that is what I hope.
"Stiles, I need to tell you something," I told him as he was sat at the lunch table with Scott
"What?" He said not even turning to look at me.
"My parents and I are leaving Beacon hills," I said hoping he would show some sadness that I would be leaving. We were best friends after all.
"Good, get out of Beacon Hills and never come back," He told me still not facing me. I didn't think my heart could break anymore but Stiles succeeded in doing that.
I left the table crying, but then I felt a pair of hand on my shoulders. When I turned around It was Scott. He hugged me tight and told me he would miss me. I told him the same and went home to pack. How could Stiles say that to me. Yes I like him. Well I did like him. I hate him now. How could he show no care at all. How could he be so nasty?

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