Peter Maximoff

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A/N: You are the daughter of Moriah and Charles

Peter didn't know he was going to overhear it. I mean, it's not like he was deliberately listening out for it. He just wanted to blow off a little energy and run a couple of laps through the mansion since it was raining outside. But when he heard his name, he skidded to a stop.
"How about we talk about Peter?" Charles suggested, causing the silver haired boy to frown and listen more closely, his ear pressing against the wooden door. "You have feelings for him, don't you?" Your dad suggested, leaning on one of the arms of his wheelchair, a knowing smirk on his lips which only widened when he saw your curl in on yourself in embarrassment. Peter could have sworn his heart skipped at least 5 beats. He fist pumped the air, cheering silently before stilling when he heard your voice. The voice that practically turned him into jelly.
"How did you know?" You muttered.
"My dear, I think you forget that I was young once, I know what it's like to have feelings for someone-"
"You looked into my head didn't you?" You deadpanned
Your dad shook your head frantically. "Not willingly. When you're around him you seem to get extremely nervous and it's not so much that I can hear your thoughts, I can just feel your emotions. After observing for a while I managed to conclude it only happened around Peter-" Charles stop suddenly, his head tilting as if he was listening for something. You looked at him confused.
"Dad? You okay?" You asked, he turned to your with a grin.
"I'm fine, thank you, dear." He then turned to the door and called out, "Peter! Do come in," Your eyes widened.
"Oh no," You whispered and you dad smirked with a nod.
"Oh yes," Before you could even blink, Peter Maximoff himself was standing between you and Charles, a bashful smile on his face and you stood instantly.
"Sorry for listening in Professor." He apologised halfheartedly.
"Just don't do it again, Peter." Charles replied. His chastising equally as weak as Peter's apology and he wheeled himself out of the room, closing the door behind himself.
"So you...heard?" He grinned and nodded, stepping closer to you, your chests brushing.
"I did." He mumbled, his dark brown eyes flittering over your face. You looked away from him, a blush dusting your cheeks.
"I'm sorry-"
"Why?" He interrupted quickly with a frown. "You have nothing to apologise for. I actually feel the same way." Your head snapped back to him, searching his eyes.
"Seriously?" He nodded again and you quickly swatted his arm. He feigned a yelp, stepping backwards.
"What was that for!?" Peter yelled, though a smile formed on his face.
"Scaring me!" You chuckled before reaching out and grabbing his silver jacket, pulling him towards you gently.
"I won't do it again," He breathed, not really paying attention to what he was saying as he was more focused on your lips. He could barely handle the way the pair of you were slowly inching closer. He ached for you, feeling it spread through his body until he couldn't take it. Peter rushed forward, capturing your lips in his own. He sighed in relief, pulling you closer to him, your arms circled his waist under his jacket.
"It's awfully quiet in there!" Charles yelled through the door, causing you two to spring apart. "Maximoff whilst I want my daughter to be happy, you better not have your hands on her!" Peter smirked as he wrapped his arms around you waist again. You giggled, pressing your hands to his chest.
He dipped down, pressing his lips to yours again. As you parted, with a mischievous smirk, he whispered, "Oops."

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