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"Okay Luci I bet you couldn't ask Y/N out if you tried!" Gabriel laughed while taking a seat on one of the new chairs he had gotten for his 'little slice of heaven' and challenging his older brother.
"What?" Lucifer wondered out loud with a slight hint of embarrassment in his voice "Okay, you have to stop the q-tip when there's resistance." annoyed the older archangel snapped
"Shut up!" to this the younger archangel raised his brow "So? are you going to do it? huh? huh? HUH?" and slightly rage induced Lucifer practically yelled "Challenge accepted! now will you please shut up?!" sighing the archangel then poofed out of his brothers 'slice of heaven' to go find Y/N, leaving Gabriel to laugh his butt off.
Meanwhile in a dingy, run down motel...
You slumped down on the bed, exhausted from yet another job helping the Winchesters research a new monster they've been hunting, all you wanted to do was sleep... but first you needed a good shower that is, until you opened the door.
"Lucifer what the hell are you doing here?!?" you asked grabbing your knife out of habit, the rebellious archangel put his hands up in defense "Whoa, whoa take it easy kitten... I just need something from you" what in Hell's name could he possibly need?
"What do you need Lucifer?" his next action shocked you, he picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist to make sure you didn't fall "You my dear, I need you to go out with me" with this sudden action you kind of wanted to see how far it would go before he went back to his assbutt self, truth if you kind of had a thing for the eldest archangel, "Ok, where to?" and with that you both flashed out of the motel, onto wherever you wanted to go.
Later that week Lucifer went back to Gabriel's 'little slice of heaven' to find his younger brother "Gabriel!" he shouted in a angry yet nervous tone.
"Yes my dear brother?" Lucifer seemed almost growled his response "What have you done to me?" Gabriel gave a sarcastic "Whatever do you mean brother?" but Lucifer was now annoyed and getting angrier by the second, he was never really a fan of Gabriel's sarcasm.
"You've ruined me with that bet! I have these feelings I haven't felt in almost a millennium!" a surprised Gabe tried his hardest not to laugh at the realization for what his older brother was implying "O-oh, you love Y/N don't you?".
"YES I LOVE HER!... More than any other being." after Lucifer practically shouted it to the next galaxy, all the sudden Gabriel yelled "FINALLY!... You don't know how long I've been waiting for you two lovebirds to get together!" and with that Lucifer disappeared, once again leaving his brother in a laughing fit.
During the same time Lucifer and Gabriel were talking...
You were packing because you got a call from Dean saying he needed help with Sam but all of the sudden Lucifer flashed in.
"Y/N! I need to tell you something." you were a bit worried at Lucifer suddenly popping into the motel room "Yes Luci?" he grabbed your hands "I love you Y/N, I love you more than anything baby." hearing this almost brought tears to your eyes.
"I love you too Lucifer, more than you'll ever know." he gave you a kiss "Now let's go see what Sammy's up to" he gave you a wink and you two were on your merry way.

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