They hear you curse for the first time

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You had just finished cleaning you and your boyfriend Elijah's room. You decided to walk back to the kitchen, not knowing that Elijah was home yet.

You got to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get some water. Suddenly, out of nowhere you heard a BOO.

"F***ING SH*T!!!" You screamed loudly, as you held onto your chest and turned around to face your boyfriend.

"You should have seen your face! It was such an 'OMG' moment, don't you think?" He said, and then busted out laughing.



"What the h*ll are you doing??" You laughed as you saw Klaus, the love of your life, trying to twerk.

"Y/N, it's quite obviously. I am twerking. Look, I think my butt is jiggling!! Look at it!" He said as he pointed to his butt and shook it around like a mad man.

You raised your eyebrow at him and then shook your head.

"Oh and, you should curse more, it's hot." He stated, stoping completely, before turning the music up louder and started "twerking" again.


Actually, you curse all the time. You grew up being a potty mouth, you curse like a sailor. Especially if your mad, or excited. But Kol accepts it because why the f**k not?


You never swear. Ever. But one time, you got so mad that you couldn't stop swearing. Usually, your a calm person so it barely ever happens. It needs to be something major, for you to swear. Which was the opposite of her, but it made you an even better couple so it's okay.


You and Damon have been dating for 3 months now, and you guys are really close. You tried not to curse in front of him because you thought he wouldn't like you anymore. But one day it just slipped out.

"Damon, stop being a little b**ch about it. They look the same." You groaned, as you covered your face with a pillow. You had decided to spend the night with him, but in the morning, he kept whining about if his left peck was bigger than his right peck.

"WHAT!! Did little Miss Innocent Y/N just curse?" He gasped, and then smirked as he yanked the pillow off your face.

"Whatever Damon." You rolled your eyes and wen back to cuddling his blankets.


"STEFAN! GET YOUR A*S IN HERE AND KILL THIS SPIDER!! IT'S GOING TO EAT ME." You screeched as the spider got closer to the floor from the wall.

"Babe, did you just curse?" He asked curiously as he walked into the room. You looked at him and then back at the wall, only to see that the spider disappeared.

"H*LL NO! WE ARE MOVING TO A NEW APARTMENT." You yelled and jumped on Stefan, hoping he would protect you.


You didn't swear a lot, but you did swear. It was in the middle. It wasn't too over the top but it was there. She wouldn't like that you cursed because apparently, a girl as beautiful as yourself shouldn't have such vulgar words come out of your moth but you still do. It actually funny. Sometimes, you'll just say something bad to get her annoyed. Even tho, she curses as well.

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