What they do to turn you on

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Whenever he gets angry, it gets you all hot and bothered. It makes you go mad cause he just looks so sexy when he's mad. With his vampire face especially, WOO girl, you already know.

Whenever he paints, he goes to a different world. He doesn't pay attention to anything but the painting. And you'll just sit and stare at him, in a totally not creepy way. He just looks so fine all concentrated. And whenever you can, you'll try to get his attention...

Kol is a bad boy. He does bad things. With that, he can be really over protective and gets jealous a lot. It turns you on whenever he gets jealous, sometimes you'll flirt with guys just to get him jealous cause he just looks so sexy. It will usually lead to angry playtime.... If you know what I mean.

She absolutely loves to tease you. She'll mess with you and will start saying dirty things, and it drives you crazy. She knows that it turns you on but she still does it.

Whenever Damon smirks, you die inside. He is just so sexy already that it gets you hot whenever he smirks.

He's a god. Whenever he tickles you, it gets you hyped. It's weird but he thinks it's adorable. If you are every mad at him, he'll try to cheer you up so he'll tickle you. And usually, you'll laugh so much, you'll almost pee yourself. When he stops, he'll always give you a look, and it will lead to wonderful things!

Katherine is absolutely gorgeous. You love it when she gets mad, because it's hot. She'll get mad at you over something and you won't say anything, you'll just look at her up and down, and try not to show how she affects you but she always knows.

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