Enzo Imagine pt.2

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Imagine your roommate is Enzo

You woke up the next morning to a groan. Your alarm went off around 6:30 am. You looked like a hot mess.
You barely slept last night because you couldn't get your mind off what happened.

After he walked out of the bathroom completely p!ssed, you turned the shower off and put your pajamas on quickly. You kept going over and over the actions that occurred beforehand.

You grabbed your dirty clothes and towel and walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom which was connected. You expected to see him but his room was vacant. He was gone before you could even talk to him.

You walked to your room and attempted to get confortable. And here you were, still shocked at last nights events. You got up and picked your clothes out before changing and getting ready.

 You got up and picked your clothes out before changing and getting ready

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You wore a camouflage long sleeved shirt and grey skinny jeans. Your friend had texted you asking if you wanted to hang out and go to the mall so you agreed. You put on some makeup and grabbed your phone, purse, and keys.

You walked to the kitchen to get something to eat when you saw Enzo, wearing a grey shirt and basketball shorts.

"Morning." You muttered, not really knowing how to act.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I was out of line last night, I shouldn't have come on to you like that or treated you that way." Enzo said, while leaving against the cabinet.

You nodded and grabbed a pear. You grabbed a napkin and started to walk away before you felt a hand heap your wrist. You turned around and Enzo was right behind you.

"I have to go Enzo, what is it?" You rolled your eyes at him.

"Did you not hear me apologize?" He said, hurt at the fact that you were just ignoring him.

Well that's what he gets for being a little hoe.

"What do you want me to say? Thank you for invading my shower and feeling me up? Also for getting all mad and not even telling me what's up? Yeah thank you sooo much Enzo." You glared at him while pulling your wrist away from his grip.

"I have had feelings for you for some time now. I thought I could control them but seeing you last night, it drove me crazy hat you weren't mine. Your friend told that the douche you were dating broke up with you. He's an idiot, and I just got too excited, I couldn't wait any longer." He muttered, wanting nothing more than to pull you close and never let go.

"Are you serious?" You said, not believing what he was saying.

He nodded and smiled at you.

"Well then. What are we gonna do about this?" You smirked, putting your arms around his neck.

"I think I can manage something." He grinned and pulled you into a kiss.

"D@mmit Enzo. Beat me to it I see." Damon walked into the kitchen, only wearing underwear, and a cheeky grin.

Let's just say you didn't hangout with your friend that day.

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