They walk in on you changing/naked (Part 1)

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You had just gotten home from shopping, and decided to put things away. After you finished, you slid your pants down and took your shirt off to take a shower. You lived with your boyfriend, Elijah, so no one would see you.

Elijah wasn't home, or so you thought. You were about to get in the shower, obviously naked, when you realized that you forgot your towel. You went back into your room to get it, only to see Elijah walk in right then.

He had his head down, looking at his phone.

"Y/N you won't believe wha-" he looked up and said, when he saw you his eyes went wide and you just rolled your eyes.

"Have you seen my towel?"

"You should walk around like that more naked. I believe it would make a lot of people very happy." He groaned and walked towards you. Your eyes went wide knowing what he was gonna do so you ran into the bathroom and locked the door. You then heard a small this on the door, and knew it was him banging his head on the door.

"Ugh, you're killing me."

You and Klaus had gotten into a water fight so you were drenched. You were wearing a white t-shirt and when it got wet, you could see your black bra so you walked into the house to get a new shirt. You shrugged the wet one off and saw that klaus had a pile of clean clothes on the coach so you decided to take one of his.

You grabbed one of his shirts and turned around to see if anyone was around. You didn't realize that klaus was in front of you when you turned around. You started to put on the shirt when you felt two hands grab your boobs. You quickly looked up and saw that it was Klaus, still holding on to them.

"Klaus, get your hands off my boobs."

"They are just so perfect. I couldn't help myself love." He smirked and you rolled your eyes.

"Let me try something." He muttered and quickly ripped off your bra causing you to shriek.

"KLAUS!" You yelled, throwing his shirt on quickly.

"Whoops. Now let's get everything else off of you." He stated with a blank face.

You and Kol don't live together. You live at home with your parents and he's, well he's Kol. But since your parents are clueless and are barely ever home, he usually always sleeps over. But sometimes, he'll come at horrible times and scare the crap out of you.

You had just gotten in the shower and you had music playing so while you washed your hair, you danced. Kol thought it would be a great idea to get in the shower with you. You guys had been together for like 5 months and you hadn't seen each other naked yet, only half naked and stuff. He quietly got in, and watched as you danced. You weren't facing him so you didn't see him. Your head was down, as you looked at your feet and turned around only to see...

"PENIS!" You screamed and shut your eyes quickly and turned around.

Kol laughed loudly and gave you a kiss on your neck. He got real close to you and you felt something poke your butt.

"Kol, please tell me that is your wallet."

He quickly turned you around and gave you a soft kiss... That led to great things.

Today was 'family game night' with the Mikaelson's. I know right, weird.

You had decided to join them, but you knew that thing we're gonna get bad.

You didn't want to be the only non- family member so you decided to invite Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena.

All together it was Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Finn, you, Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena.

You kind of didn't want to play with them because everyone knew you had a massive crush on Rebekah except for her.

"What should we play first?" Rebekah asked, looked around.

"Let's play seven minutes in heaven." Damon said and winked at you.

You glared at him and looked at Rebekah. She nodded and got up to get a bag. When she came back, everyone put something that belonged to them in the bag secretly so that nobody would know what was who's .

"Who wants to pick first?" She asked, holding the bag out.

Kol was the first to go and he got car keys. You knew straight away that it was Damon and right then, Damon groaned. Idiot.

You didn't want to play, so you went into the kitchen and sat on the counter listening to music for about 20 minutes. While you were in the kitchen, they decided to play truth or dare.

Rebekah decided to join you in the kitchen.

You saw her and quickly turned off the music.

"You're sleeping over tonight right?" She asked. You usually do, in her room.

You nodded and smiled at her.

"Okay well come on, go take a shower. You stink!" She giggled.

"I do not! Jerk face!" You laughed and got off the counter before walking with her to her room which had a bathroom.

She got some clothes for you and you got into the bathroom, but you didn't lock the door because there wasn't a lock.

You took off your clothes except for your panties and started brushing your teeth.

Rebekah thought that you had gotten in by now so she walked in, not expecting you to be standing there almost completely naked.

"Oh my god! Y/N I'm so sorry, I thought you were in the shower already!" She shouted and turned around.

"It's fine Rebekah. We are best friends. I don't care if you saw me naked." You laughed at her. She turned back, and stared at you.

"You look hot." She said which caught you by surprise.

"Why don't we share the shower. You know, save water and everything." She winked.


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