Stefan Imagine

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Imagine you and Stefan "hate" each other, but really don't.

Stefan is an @sshole. He's rude, conceded, arrogant, and just plain sexy as hell.

You and Stefan were out trying to find Damon, because he went crazy and killed people. You guys tried to lock him up but that was a fail and he's wandering around, hungry.

"You're so stupid! If you hadn't done that, he would have been locked up!" Stefan groaned, as you both walked around the woods trying to find him.

"I'm the stupid one? You're the one that screwed up with the chains you @ss hat." You rolled your eyes and stepped over a log.

"It's not my fault you distracted me!"

"How the hell did I distract you?" You sneered, stopping, and looking at him.

He looked down at your chest and then looked into your eyes.

"You pig!"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You disgusting little-"

He vamp speeded over to you and pushed you against a tree, pulling your arms up over your head.

"You don't want to finish that sentence." He whispered darkly in your ear.

"Who's gonna stop me?" You smirked, looking into his eyes.

His lips were pressed firmly on yours and he forcibly slid his tongue in your mouth. You kissed back, loving every second of this. He let go if your hands.

You slid your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around you. You felt his squeeze your butt causing you to moan loudly.

"Hot. But can you guys wait till you get home? You're like rabbits! We have to find Damon!" You heard Elena from behind you.

You rolled your eyes and adjusted your shirt.

"Yeah, Elena, we get it." Stefan groaned. You walked forward and felt a sharp sting on your butt.

"Stefan, do that again, and I promise, I will grab your balls. And I won't let go of them." You glared at him.

"That's sexy." He winked. You rolled your eyes and kept walking.

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