Damon Imagine

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Imagine you and Damon are friends and you walk in on him taking a shower.

You and Damon had become close friends recently, besides the fact that you had a tiny crush on him for a while. Who are you kidding? It's a big crush.

You never did anything about it because you were pretty shy. Things were also complicated with Elena and him, and you didn't want to get into that.

You and Damon had gotten really close recently because you saved his life. He was in trouble and you used your magic to save him, you were a witch.

You started to hang out more, and were able to talk to each other about anything. You trusted him, and knew he would always be there for you, given the short about of time you knew him. Although you liked him, you knew that he was a good friend.

You had been at your apartment, watching tv, when you got a text.

Hey cutie, wanna hang out at my place? I bought you food :)

You grinned brightly and quickly responded back saying you would be over in about 15 minutes.

He answered back almost instantly.

Bring a bathing suit, a hot one to be exact ;)

You texted him back an okay and quickly ran to your bedroom.

You took a quick shower and but on your bathing suit.

It was simple but cute so you wore that with and some shorts with a t-shirt to cover up

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It was simple but cute so you wore that with and some shorts with a t-shirt to cover up.

You grabbed your stuff and walked out of your house. You got in your car and drove over to the Salvatore house.

When you got there, you saw Elena outside waiting.

"Hey Elena, what are you doing here?"  You asked nicely, only wanting to find Damon.

"Damon won't let me in. He's pissed and locked me out." She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips in an annoyed way.

"Let me give it a try." You smiled softly, and knocked on the door. It slowly opened and there stood Damon smiling brightly down at you.

"Hello beautiful." He pulled you into a tight embrace, almost like he needed his arms around you. You quickly threw your arms around him, wanting to be as close as possible to him.

"Damon, why can't Elena come in?" You said, rolling your eyes as he pulled you inside the house and locked the door.

"Because she's getting on my nerves. She confuses the hell out of me, she broke up with Stefan and wants to date me but she is just... ugh!" He rolled his eyes.

You were a bit upset because come on, he's talking about dating Elena. All you want is for him to love you the way you love him but that won't happen.

"Damon I don't want to be the bad guy here, but if she really cared about you too, she would stop whatever it is that she's doing. She's gone from one brother to the next and everyone knows that it hurts both you and Stefan! But if you really love her, then go for it, because all I- I mean everyone wants is for you to be happy." You said, looking down, knowing he was thinking about Elena more now.

"I need to go take a quick shower and then we can do whatever. Give me like 10 minutes I'll be down soon. Just don't let her in. Thank you Y/n, for always being there for me." He smiled and gave you a quick peck on the cheek.

I should have turned my head so that he could have given me a proper kiss you thought as he walked up the stairs and towards his room.

You sat in the kitchen waiting on him to finish, but he was taking a really long time. He said it would be 10 minutes and it'd already been an hour.

Maybe he was jerking off or something, you thought.

You waited, and still he didn't come down. Thirty more minutes passed, and you decided to go up and see if he was okay.

You walked up the stairs and walked towards his bedroom. You walked in, and looked but he wasn't in the room, yet the shower was on. You walked towards the bathroom and looked in to find Damon, in the shower... that had glass doors.

You're eyes went wide and you only looked at Damon in the eyes, trying not to look down.

You're eyes went wide and you only looked at Damon in the eyes, trying not to look down

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"Damon it's been an hour and a half. Why are you taking so long to take a shower?" You muttered, trying so hard to not look.

You couldn't help but glance and you almost passed out...

"GEEZ DAMON THAT'S HUGE- I'm just gonna turn around..." you quickly sat on the bed and closed your eyes while he turned the water off and started laughing.

You waited for him to go in his bedroom to scold him for making you wait so long, although you weren't complaining about what you say.

You waited for him to go in his bedroom to scold him for making you wait so long, although you weren't complaining about what you say

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He walked out of his bathroom in only a towel, smirking.

"You are enjoying this way too much Damon." You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.

"If you want, next time you can join me." He chuckled walking towards you slowly.

"No, no, no! Keep that hot body over there, I don't think I can control myself with you looking like that." You said jokingly, keeping your eyes on his.

"Then don't." He smirked and stood in front of you, before sliding his hand on the back of your neck and pulling you into a kiss.



High school is annoying asf and there's just so much drama and school work. I'm sorry I haven't updated in months but hopefully I will start writing more. Another reason I haven't updated in a while is because I literally have such bad writers block it's not even funny. But you guys are amazing!! Keep voting and commenting! I read every single comment and you guys are hilarious😂

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