Elijah Imagine

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Imagine Elijah leaves and pisses you off.

You had fallen asleep after coming home from a long day of school. You lived with your parents, but they knew about Elijah and loved him.

Today had been a bad day all together. People at school were just idiots, and you were also pissed at Elijah all day because he texted you the night before saying that he had to go to New Orleans and that he'll be back soon which was absolute bullsh!t.

When he sent that text, you replied back with a: f*ck off

He tried calling you multiple times but you ignored him and went to bed.

The reason that pissed you off was because he always does this. Just pick up everything and leave, and then come back like a month later thinking everything is fine now. And he never tells you in person.

You'd been asleep for a good 30 minutes till you felt a rush of air.


How did you know? Hello original vampire... you know him too well.

You ignored his presence as you got up to pee. He rushed infront of you with a stern look on his face.

"Why didn't you answer my calls Y/n? I thought something happened to you." He said, looking down at you.

You ignored him and walked past him and into the bathroom.

You closed the door before he could get in and splashed your face with water. You brushed your teeth and the unlocked the door before walking out.

You grabbed your backpack and sat on your bed. You still had homework to do so you were planning on doing it, knowing that Elijah was gonna give you a lecture on how you should pick up your phone.

"Love, why aren't you talking to me?"

You took out your physics notebook and grabbed your computer, pulling up the notes you had to write down for homework.

He sat on the corner of your bed, looking as handsome as ever and all you wanted to do was lay on top of him and kiss him but no.

You weren't gonna do that.


"What is it?" You said, still copying down your notes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, staring at you.


"Then why aren't you looking at me?" He asked, putting his hands on his lap.

You looked at him for a brief second.


And you looked down and kept writing.

He was getting mad.

"Y/n, I suggest you look at me before I do something I'll regret later."

"F*ck you, okay?" You stated and closed your computer, giving him your full attention.

"What did I do now?" He groaned rolling his eyes.

"I'm so sick and tired of this. You do the same thing all the time and just come back thinking everything is perfectly fine. It's not!" You glared at him and got up, while putting your hands on your hips.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He exclaimed, grabbing your hand but you pulled your hand away from him.

"You always leave me! You always leave and don't even think about me! I don't know what you're gonna do over there! This could be the last time I see you and I get a f*cking text from you saying 'oh leaving for New Orleans see you in a few' DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I HATE THAT?!" You screamed pushing him away from you.

"Oh Y/n" he whispered and grabbed your arms before pulling you close.


"No. I'm sorry, I just thought that the less you know, the safer I can keep you. I thought it was the best way to keep you out of danger I'm so sorry beautiful." He muttered, pulled you into a hug, which you then eventually wrapped your arms around him. He held you in an embrace and you looked up at him.

"I love you Elijah, but please don't do that to me." You muttered and leaned on him as he softly rubbed your back.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry sweetie. I love you." He kissed your head and held you.

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