Damon imagine

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Imagine you guys are fighting and he kisses you.

"Damon I'm so sick and tired of you treating me like sh!t. I don't understand why you hate me so much! What did I ever do to make you despise me?!" You screamed pulling at your hair.

He laughed a little.

"Oh shut up Y/N. You're such a drama queen. Chill the f*ck out, God d@mn." He groaned.

You pushed at his chest and screamed. You hit him with your fists hoping to get something out of him.

"Stop that Y/N." He said, but you kept going.

He finally grabbed both your wrists and stopped you. He pushed you against a wall and held your hands over your head.

"Damon, what are you doing?" You muttered, loving being so close to him.

"You're so d@mn sexy when you're mad." He whispered close you your neck. You groaned softly as he licked your neck.

"We shouldn't." You muttered, although you didn't want him to stop.

"Then say no."

He kissed from your neck to your mouth and started making his way down. He slowly pulled your shirt over your head. You were wearing a bra and he was smirking.

He ripped your bra off as you tried to take his shirt off but failed miserably. He slipped his shirt off, and went back to kissing you. His hands slid onto your breasts as he massaged them, making you ache. One of his hands was cupping one and the other was pinching your nipple. You groaned as he pinches harder.

He slid your jeans down and threw you on the bed. You smirked at him, wanting him more than ever.

He slid his jeans down and got on top of you. He kissed your mouth, then neck, and trailed kisses all the way to your inner thigh. He slipped your underwear off and got to work. You moaned and moaned until you shook. It felt amazing.


You woke up in Damon's room? Everything hit you like a brick. You slept with Damon.

You smiled softly, remembering how sweet he was last night and you turned over to look at him. He looks so peaceful, sleeping. You gave him a small peck on the lips until you felt a shift and now he was on top of you.

"Good morning beautiful." He smirked, while kissing you passionately.

"Good morning, I kinda thought you would get mad that I was still here." You smiled sheepishly.

"Never. Last night made me realize how much of a jerk I am, and how much I care about you Y/N." He muttered, still looking down at you.

"I do too Damon." You smiled happily at him.

"Do you want to make this work? I know I'm not the best person to do this with, but I can try. Will you go out with me Y/N?"

You nodded multiple times and pulled him close to you, knowing you were still fully naked.

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