Enzo Imagine

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Imagine your roommate is Enzo.

You hadn't been living in this apartment for long and you needed help paying rent so you put an online ad for a roommate. You quickly got a message from a guy saying he was interested so you agreed to meet up with him. He came over to the apartment and instantly, you were attracted by him. He was very sexy and well built. He also had an accent, you had a huge thing for accents.

His name was Enzo, and after talking and getting to know each other, you told him that he could move in whenever he wanted.

After that, he moved in two days later and you didn't mind at all.

You and Enzo had now been living together for half of a year. You barely talked to him because he was always busy, so you usually just did your thing.

You had been dating a guy for a while, but you started dating after you met Enzo. It had been going really good until one night when he decided to just break up with you over text. You were so p!ssed.

He couldn't even do it face to face. What an @sshole.

You thought that Enzo wasn't gonna be home for a while since he usually isn't so you ordered take out and took off most of our clothes.

You thought that Enzo wasn't gonna be home for a while since he usually isn't so you ordered take out and took off most of our clothes

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You were only wearing some black panties and a white long sleeve crop top. You were confident about your body because you had worked hard to have a body like that so you were proud. You didn't care if people saw you because you were happy that your body looked this good.

You sat on the couch with a blanket on your lap and were watching episodes of criminal minds. You heard the door unlock so you assumed it was Enzo. It was pretty late so you expected it.

Usually you were asleep around this time, but you were sad so you couldn't sleep.

"Yeah, she's usually asleep around thi- oh Y/n. You're awake?" Enzo walked in, with another attractive male.

You stood up with your blanket, and looked at them.

"Uh yeah, I couldn't sleep so I'm just trying to pass the time. Who's this?" You smiled at the handsome man in your apartment.

"I'm Damon Salvatore. I've heard a lot about you sweetheart. You're just as gorgeous as Enzo says you are." He smirked and Enzo's eyes went wide. You blushed and smiled at Enzo.

"Thank you, well I guess this is my hint to go to bed. It was nice meeting you Damon. Goodnight Enzo." You smiled and walked away from them, realizing that you weren't wearing pants so they saw you in your underwear. You could feel their eyes on you. You smirked.

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