Kol Imagine

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Imagine you try to surprise Kol, your best friend but he ends up mad at you.

Today was Kol's birthday. He was your best friend, and you loved him to bits, maybe a lot more than others. No one knew about your big crush on him, or so you thought.

You had decided to call all his friends and family to the party. You also invited the gang because right now, they were on good terms and would hang out together when Kol wasn't being an actual prick. What you didn't know was that Kol had a bad day... a really bad day.

You waited at the mystic grill for him, and everyone chatted amongst themselves. You sat by the bar, and sent a text to Kol asking him where he was because he knew he was supposed to meet you here tonight.

He read the text but didn't respond.

After another hour and a half of waiting and he finally showed up. When he walked in the door, everyone yelled 'Surprise!' and smiled at him. He didn't look too pleased.

You smiled brightly at him and went over to give him a hug but he quickly dodged it, and going into the bathroom. You were shocked, as were other people. Rebekah came up to you.

"He's fine, he's just cranky that Klaus didn't give him what he wanted. Maybe we should celebrate that he came at least." She muttered and rubbed your bad as you looked at the bathroom doors with sad eyes.

"I'm gonna go check up on him to make sure he's okay." You muttered and looked to Rebekah for a response but she just nodded and smiled.

You walked over to the bathroom and realized he went in to the boys bathroom but you didn't care so you went in as well.

"Kol?" You asked as you saw him leaning against the sink and talking on the phone.

He completely ignored you and kept talking.

You stood there waiting for him to hang up.

"Hold on a sec Elijah, I'll call you back." He muttered, and hung up. He put his phone in his pocket and faced you.

"Are you okay Kol?" You whispered, knowing that he was going to yell, but you didn't want the people outside to hear.

"Why in the bloody hell did you think of throwing me some stupid 'surprise' party?! How stupid can you be? I don't even understand why I associate with you. You're such a bloody imbecile." He yelled, and pointed towards you. You had wide eyes and couldn't believe what you were hearing.

"I'm sorry Kol, I just thought that it would be nice to celebrate your birthday this year with all your friends." You muttered, looking down at your feet.

So much for not wanting people to hear, people in China probably heard.

"That's it though. You don't get to just make those decisions. No one cares about me! The only reason they can is because everyone bloody likes you! People hate me, and I'm fine with that. I don't need you to be doing all this stupid sh!t. Just f*ck off, okay?" He glared at you and then pushed past you and out of the bathroom. Tears fell down your face as you quickly turned around, trying to follow him, but he was already gone. Everyone looked at you as you walked out, causing more tears to fall. Rebekah quickly pushed past the crowd and came towards you. She grabbed you and walked you out of the bar.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I didn't think he was gonna be that pissed. He's an idiot. He should appreciate everything you do for him. You love him and he just steps all over you! You deserve way better
Y/n." She muttered, while holding on to you and walked over to her car since she drove you here.

She drove you to your apartment and asked if you wanted her to stay, but you declined and said you just wanted to be alone.

You sat on your bed watching romantic comedies. You cried while watching it, because of the movie, and what happened earlier.

You heard a knock on your door so you guessed it was Rebekah.

You opened the door but no one was there.

Okay that's weird.

You locked the door and turned around before walking to the kitchen to get some water. You grabbed a glass before turning on the faucet and filling it up.

You turned around and screamed.

"Oh my gosh." You put your hand over your heart and looked at him.

"Kol what are you doing here?" You muttered.

He walked up to you and kissed you.

You were shocked at what he was doing. You pulled away from him and turned around.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself." He groaned.

You put your glass down and turned back around.

"You're an idiot. A stupid idiot." You stated.

And then you grabbed his face and kissed him back.

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