Rebekah Imagine

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Imagine Rebekah being there for you when you break up with your boyfriend.

You packed your stuff as you felt tears fall down your face. You had just got home to find your boyfriend cheating on you with some s*ut.

"Y/N Listen to me! Please let me explain! It's not what it looks like!" Y/B/N shouted, running up to you and trying to grab your hand.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU LOST THAT PRIVILEGE WHEN YOU F*CKED THAT WHORE." You shouted, pulling away from his grip.

He looked at you with red eyes and a sad face. You threw your apartment keys that you shared at him.

"Give these to that slut over there. She'll get more out of it than me." You said and walked out.

You put your stuff in your car and then sat down. More tears spilled down your face. You didn't know what to do, where to go, who to call. So you called the one person you loved so much. Rebekah

"Hey Y/N!" She said cheerfully as you silently cried.

"What's u- y/n are you crying? What happened?" She questioned.

"H-he cheated on m-me... with some s-slut." You cried out.

"Get over here right now." She stated and hung up.

So that's what you did. You drove to her house, trying to stay calm so that you wouldn't cause a car wreak. Before you could even knock on the door, it opened, and you were grabbed by Rebekah and dragged inside before being held in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry babe." She whispered as she held you.

You didn't say anything, you just hugged her back for what seemed like hours.

"Let's watch a movie, shall we?" She asked, letting go of you. You nodded slowly and sat down on her couch in front of the tv. She made popcorn and brought it out and say right next to you.

Halfway through the movie, you couldn't help but just stare at Rebekah. She was just so perfect.

What you did next shocked both of you. You leaned in and kissed her. At first she was surprised but then she started kissing back.

You finally pulled away because you were out of breath but it felt perfect. She looked at you with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." You sighed and looked down. She lifted your chin and looked straight at you

"I actually quite like this, love." She grinned and pulled you in for another kiss.

Oh happy day.

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