Klaus Imagine

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Imagine Klaus being mad at you but you make a joke and he can't help but smile.

"Klauuuussssss!! Talk to me! Come on!" You groaned as you followed your boyfriend to your bedroom.

He was currently mad at you because you wanted to help so you followed him and Elijah to the Bayou and helped them fight the werewolves. You almost got killed, which pissed Klaus off. He ended up ripping the guy who tried to kill you's head off. He's mad because he told you not to get involved because he didn't want you to get hurt.

"It's just a little blood! I bleed more on my period!" You groaned.

It's true.

"Fine. Give me the silent treatment. Okay, I'm gonna say cheesy jokes till I cheer you up." You stated.

He groaned and sat on the bed, facing the window. He hates when you say jokes because they are so bad and you just get so excited to say them.

"What's a pirate's favorite school subject? Arrrrrrrrrrt." You stuttered, busting out laughing. You then looked over at his face to check if he was laughing.

Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Zip

"How did the Italian chef die? He pasta away! BWAHAAHAA!!" You laughed.

Klaus couldn't help but smile. Your just too adorable. You looked over at him and started cheering.

"HA I got you to smile!" You cheered.

"But I'm still mad at you. I told you not to get involved because you could get hurt. But you still got involved!" He frowned as he looked at you.

"I can take care of myself. I just don't want to feel like everyone needs to protect me." You said while walking up to him.

"That's my job. No matter what, I will always protect you. I love you Y/N, so much." Klaus said, as he grabbed you into a hug.

"I love you too Klaus." You smiled and then kissed him. You could feel his smirk in the kiss. Naughty boy.

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