Katherine Imagine

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Imagine you dating Elijah and her not being okay with it because shes in love with you so she insults you

You were on your way to meet up with your best friend, Katherine. You were human, but she cared for you. Even though she can be a b!tch sometimes... All the time, you still love her.

You were on your way to meet up with her at the grill to tell her some exciting news. You and Elijah had gotten together. Obviously, you didn't know that Elijah and her were a thing. You had liked him ever since he stepped foot in Mystic Falls and you just fell in love.

You got there and saw Katherine, already drinking bourbon.

"Don't finish that, I want some." You said standing behind her. She grinned at you as you say down next to her.

"Ohh so tell me what the surprise is!" She winked and you laughed at her.

"You know how I've always had a massive crush on Elijah?" You said and looked at her, waiting for her reaction. When the words came out of your mouth, she stopped smiling quickly.

"Yeah? What about it?" She asked irritated, but trying not to show it.

"We got together last week!" You shouted and smiled.

"What!" She glared.

"What's wrong with you? The least you could do is be happy for me." You said angrily.

"He's only with you to get back at me! How could you be so stupid!?" Katherine sneered.

"Stop lying! If you would have told me you liked him earlier, I would have backed off but you can't even be happy for me? Why are you jealous? I thought you hated him and his family!" You glared at her and stood up.

"I'm not jealous y/n! Me and him used to be together! He's been in love with me all this time. Get your head out of your @ss for once and look around! Not everything is about you!" She shouted.

You looked at her with wide eyes. They had been together? You felt tears form but you didn't let them fall.

"Thank you Katherine. Thank you so much for proving to me that what everyone thinks of you is true. You are a what Damon likes to call an evil vampire slut. Everyone was right! No one can get close to you cause you treat them, especially me like sh!t. No wonder you have no one. I hate you!" You showed and turned around to walk away, but she grabbed your arm. You turned around and saw her, looking hurt.

"Y/n, wait I'm sor-" I cut her off.

"Go to hell Katherine Pierce." You sneered while ripping your arm from her hold. You ran out the grill and to your car.

You drove to your house, waiting till you got to your room, and sliding on the floor crying.

You called Elijah and he was over in less the 5 minutes. When he saw you on the floor, crying your eyes out, he picked you up and say you on his lap on your bed.

"What happened my love?" Elijah asked softly.

"I hate her. I-I hate h-her so much!" You cried into his chest as he rubbed your back and held you.

"I told her that you and I were happy together and you would think she'd be happy for me. At least! I'm her best friend! I've been by her side through everything and this is how she acts! She started saying stupid sh!t like how you are only using me to get back at her and that you guys were together and that your in love with her!" You sobbed and wiped your eyes.

"We were together but that was a long long time ago! I feel nothing for her. The Katherine I loved is long gone. She is dead to me. I love you. You mean everything to me. Even thought it hasn't been that long, I don't care. You don't need her. I'm here for you my love. Here let's get you some food okay?" He smiled at you and you kissed him softly, whispering, "thank you".

Little did you know that Katherine was heartbroken when you said that stuff. She felt horrible for what she said to you but she hated the idea of you being with someone that wasn't her. She didn't mean what she said, but what you said to her, it hurt her. Sure people have said it to her before but it hurt because it came from you, the love of her life.

I'll do a part 2 if you guys can get this to 5 votes!!! Can you do it??

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