Damon Imagine

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Imagine your mom dies, and you break down badly and he comforts you.

"Please. Please tell you your joking. Please tell me that it was just a prank and mom is perfectly fine. Please Dad" You whispered over the phone, praying that she wasn't being for real.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. She fell into a coma last night, and died around 1 am." Your dad stuttered out, struggling not to cry.

"NO STOP LYING SHES ALIVE! JUST STOP! STOP IT STOP IT!" You screamed as tears ran down your face.

You slid on the floor and grabbed onto your clothes and squeezed as tightly as possible, wanting to hold on to something.

Your mom, the best mother in the world, was gone.

You screamed. It hurt so bad. It just felt like you were getting stabbed over and over again in your heart. Even breathing killed you. You yelled out and screamed and made so much noise that your boyfriend, Damon, heard you.

"Y/n what's wrong? What happened?" He panicked and ran over to you and pulled you into a tight embrace.

You cried on his shoulder for what felt like an hour.

"My m-mom. She died last night. Damon! SHE DIED! MAKE IT STOP IT HURTS DAMON! IT HURTS SO MUCH. MY MOM DIED, AND I COULDN'T EVEN SAY GOODBYE. MY MOTHER!!" You screamed as you pulled away from him and gripped on to your shirt even more.

He looked at you with shocked eyes and grabbed you again. You both slid to the floor, him still holding you. After about an hour, you were finally more calm. You had screamed so much that you lost your voice. So you just sat on his lap, as he played with your hair and watched you.

"I love you so much Damon. I don't know how I would live without you." You whispered, barely making a sound but he heard.

"I love you too y/n and I always will. You are the love of my life. I'm here for you no matter what." He whispered as he stroked your hair softly.

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