Enzo imagine

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Imagine your in trouble and Enzo saves you.

You had just gotten home from school. You were still in high school, it was pathetic. Everyone else was already in college, most of your friends vampires. And you were the youngest. It sucked. Your parents were strict so you had to go to school everyday and couldn't skip anything, while everyone else had adventures and saved lives. You hated it so much. Worst thing was that you barely ever hung out with your friends.

When you got to your room, you took off your shoes and threw yourself on the bed.

You felt something vibrate in your pocket so you checked and it was your phone.

You pulled it out and saw your best friend Stefan calling you.

"Hey, what's up?" You asked as you pulled a pillow under your head.

"I'm coming over right now. Damon did something stupid and now someone is after you." He stated and your eyes widened.

"Wait what??" You shouted.

"Don't let anyone in. I'm on my way." He said and hung up.

Why me?

You got up and walked down to your kitchen. You were home alone. Your parents were on a business trip so you were by yourself for a while.

You grabbed water, when you heard the door bust open. You jumped out of fear and ran to see what had happened but hid behind a wall. It was Rayna Cruz.


You looked away and hid. You were just a human so you couldn't really defend yourself.

She walked over and saw you.

"Go ahead, run, I love the chase." She laughed and you grabbed the first thing you could. A frying pan.

She got closer so you swung but missed. Rayna grabbed your arm and twisted it causing you to scream in pain. When you had the chance you swing again, hitting her in the back of them head. She fell down, and you dropped the pan on her and ran towards the front door.

"Stefan!" You screamed, hoping he would hear. She got up and started running towards you causing you to turn around and run out of your house.

"A little help over here!! Crazy lady trying to kill me!!!" You shouted running down the street. You turned around to see how far away she was when you ran straight into someone.

You looked up and saw Enzo. He grabbed you and pulled you behind him before vamp speeding to Rayna and throw her away. Literally he grabbed her and threw her.

You breathed loudly as you looked at him.

"Thanks Enzo. 5 more minutes and I would have been dead." You sighed as he walked towards you.

"Anytime love. Wouldn't want a beauty like you getting hurt." He said, causing you to blush.

Right then, Stefan came.

"Little late don't yah think?" You laughed.

"Sorry, I had to deal with something." He said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why was she trying to kill me?" You shouted.

"I believe Damon pissed her off so she went after someone he cares about." Enzo rolled his eyes.

It's true tho, Damon loves you. He treats you like a little sister. He treats you better than he treats Stefan, his own brother.

"Where is Damon?" You asked.

"In the basement so he won't screw things up again." Stefan scratched the back of his neck. Of course.

"Okay Stefan, you can leave now. Leave me alone with this beauty." Enzo smirked and winked at you.

"Ew. I'm going, I'm going." He shrugged and walked away. You just shook your head and laughed.

"May I take you out on a date?" He asked as he grabbed your hand.


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