Damon Imagine

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Imagine you and Damon being best friends and he smacks your @ss really hard.

You were at your apartment, home alone. No one called you or texted you about someone in danger or anything that would normally happen like Elena almost getting killed or something, so today was a chill day.

You were doing laundry, and cleaning around. You also made cookies.

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When you finished making the cookies, you went back into the tiny closet that held the washer and dryer

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When you finished making the cookies, you went back into the tiny closet that held the washer and dryer.

You barley had any clean clothes so you stuck with random pieces of clothing.

You wore one of Damon's black t shirts that he left one day and some underwear. The shirt was quite big on you so it cover you well.

Your phone was on the table close to you, but it was face down so you couldn't see it go off. Damon was calling you.

He texted you a couple of times, saying he was gonna come over.

You kept doing laundry, and when you were finished, you sat down on your couch and watched some tv. You felt a breeze, and knew someone was inside your apartment. I mean, you do deal with vamps all the time so you kind of know their tricks.

You ignored it, knowing it was Damon, since he was the only one invited in the house.

You walked to the kitchen and saw Damon sitting on the counter, eating some of the cookies you made.

"Hello y/n! Nice shirt by the way." He rolled his eyes and looked at what you were wearing.

"Hi Damon, why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" You asked walking to the fridge and getting out the milk.

"I texted you twice and you didn't answer so I just came over."

You nodded and walked to the counters and opened one to get a cup. But the only cups that you could find were all the way at the top. And you being every short didn't help.

You tiptoed to try to reach for the glass, causing your shirt to ride up very high. You didn't even notice it either, you were basically letting Damon just stare at your @ss without even noticing it.

"Damon, can you get me that cup? I can't reach." You looked at him and he quickly looked away from your bottom. He got up, and walked over to you slowly.

He raised his hand and easily grabbed the cup you wanted.

You said that you when he handed it to you. You turned around and gripped the milk carton, until you felt a sting on your cheek.

"DAMON DID YOU JUST-" you screamed, but he cut you off by grabbing your waist again and pulling you close to him.

"Why yell? I know you most definitely like being this close to me. Your heart beats faster and faster when I speak. Tell me you don't like this and I'll stop." He said, pushing his body up against yours. You couldn't help but groan and look him in the eyes.

Forget the cookies, I want Damon.

He smirked and kissed your cheek, slowly going down to your lips. You automatically kisses back and grabbed on to his face. You pulled him closer to you, causing you to back into the counter and hitting the glass of milk. The milk spilled, and landed on your legs.

"Ah okay, cold cold!"

"Wow, you just had to ruin the moment huh." Damon sighed, shaking his head and walking away from the kitchen.

"Dang it, I need to take a shower."

"Oh mind if I join?" Damon's head pooped from the door way.

"Possibly." You shrugged.

He groaned.

Hungry? Lol vote, and comment! You can also PM me for a request! I will definitely answer back and write as soon as I can!

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