Damon Imagine

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Imagine waking up after sleeping with Damon and freaking out because he's not there.

You were a virgin. No one knew that, except for Stefan, your best friend. You had very strong feelings for Damon and you loved him.

The day before, you came over at night, wanting to hang out with someone. You found Damon, goofing around. What you didn't know was that he was very drunk. When he saw you, he pushed you against a wall a started to kiss you roughly. Obviously you kissed back.

Then he started to take your clothes off. You were so happy that he was doing that because that meant he felt the same way right?

He mumbled things to you like 'You're so beautiful' and 'Absolutely gorgeous'.

And it happened, you had sex. You fell asleep in his arms, exhausted by the events before.


The next morning, you woke up. You then remembered what happened and smiled brightly. But you looked around and didn't see Damon.

Maybe he's in the downstairs cooking or something. You grabbed a thin blanket from his bed and covered your body before walking out of his room and down the stairs.

You walked into the kitchen, hoping to find Damon but you found Stefan.

"Y/n?" Stefan asked in disbelief. You blushed of embarrassment and walked over to give him a hug.

"Do you know where Damon is?" You asked quietly.

"Y/n, he and Elena went somewhere."

"What?" You whispered out. He's not here? Did last night not mean anything to him?

"I'm so sorry." Stefan shook his head, knowing you were hurt. He knew how you felt about Damon,
and could see that it was affecting you.

"I'm gonna go home."

You quickly walked up the stairs and into his room before putting your clothes back on and quickly grabbing your phone before walking back downstairs.

"Y/n wait-"

You walked out of the house and got into your car. You drove home and walked into your house.

You got into your room and locked the door. You're parents weren't home like always so you didn't care about making any noise. You slid down the wall and sobbed loudly.

You're heart was broken. He was drunk, he didn't know what he was doing. He just wanted to get his
d!ck wet.

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and you took it out to see who was calling you. It was Stefan.

You ignored the call and texted him.

(Bold is Stefan)

Don't call me, I'm fine.

Then why aren't you at school?

Leave me alone Stefan.

Y/n I'm coming over.


The doorbell rang, and you rolled your eyes. You quickly checked in the mirror, noticing how red your face was from crying but you just shrugged it off.

You walked downstairs and opened the door, expecting to find Stefan.

It wasn't Stefan.

"What are you doing here Damon?" You said softly, looking down at your feet.

"I am so sorry y/n. I didn't know." He pleaded, grabbing your shoulders. You backed away from him, knowing you were gonna cry soon.

"It's fine."

"No it isn't. I took your virginity while I was drunk and left you alone." He shook his head, looking hurt.

"I get it. You wanted some p*ssy. I bet it sucks that it was me right?" You chuckled. A tear fell down your face as you looked him in the eyes and you quickly wiped it.

"Of course not! I may have been drunk but I remember everything, and last night was absolutely amazing. It made me realize how much I love you. I just wish I hadn't hurt you so bad." You could tell he was in pain.

"You did hurt me. That meant so much to me. I've been in love with you for who knows how long, when you kissed me last night, I thought it was a dream. And then you left. You left me." You sobbed, he pulled you into his arms as you cried harder.

"I'm so sorry y/n."

You pulled back a little, and looked at his face. He's just so perfect. He slowly leaned in for a kiss and when he did, it felt even better than before because you knew he meant it.

You kissed back and he wrapped his arms around you.

He pulled away and whispered in your ear.

"I love you too."


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