Kol Imagine

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Imagine you catch him cheating.

You and Kol had just gotten engage

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You and Kol had just gotten engage. He was the love of your life and you wanted to spend the rest of your life. He felt the same way, apparently, and asked you to marry him.

But for some reason, Kol was acting weird. He was quite distant, and secretive. But you suspected what was going on. He was gonna throw a surprise birthday party for you. Today was your birthday. You were excited to see what he planned, so when you got out of work, you quickly got home. You opened the front door, waiting for everyone to jump out and scream surprise, but no one did.

They are probably outside.

You went to the back, but saw no one.


You went back inside and went to the kitchen. You saw a bottle of wine was open and two partially drunk glasses.

Your eyebrows furrowed as you kept walking and saw a t- shirt on the floor. It was Kol's.

You kept walking, finding pieces of women's clothing that didn't belong to you. The trail led you to your shared bedroom.

Don't panic. Maybe it's a part of his plan.

You opened your bedroom door and saw Kol, fast asleep.

But his arms were wrapped around a girls naked chest.

You stood there for about a couple minutes staring at them. Trying to comprehend what was happening.

You grabbed a thong from the floor, and sling shotted it at his face. You were pissed.

He woke up, slightly shocked at what hit him.

"You f*cking @sshole." You said calmly. He looked up at you and his face turned to regret.

"Y/n no! This isn't what it looks like."

That's what they all say.

By then, the girl had woken up, and tried to cover yourself.

"Oh don't try to cover yourself, whore. Your already sleeping with my husband. Might as well embrace it you f*cking slut." You said.

"Get out. GET THE F*CK OUT YOU STUPID B!TCH!" You screamed, before grabbing her by her hair and dragging her off of your bed. She screamed, causing you to pull harder.

Stupid b!tch

You let go of her and she scrambled off the ground crying, and grabbing her clothes.

"No! Y/n please let me explain!" Kol said, looking pleadingly at you. He was only wearing basketball shorts and his chest was bare. He tried to grab onto your arm.

"Don't you dare. Don't you f*cking dare touch me!" You growled ripping away from him.

"Y/n!" Kol said.

"I love my life so much. This would happen to me. I have the best luck. Especially on my f*cking birthday. That's just perfect." You said, as you finally snapped and felt tears pour down your face quickly.

Kol's eyes went wide.

He seriously forgot.

"Baby! I'm so sorry! Please baby!" He again, tried to hold you but you pushed him away from you, not being able to look at him.

"Don't touch me. How could you do this to me? What did I do to deserve this? Was I not a good enough wife for you! Did I not please you enough where you had to find a whore to screw!" You screamed, more and more tears falling down.

He stood there silently. Doing absolutely nothing, as if you were the one who broke his heart.

"You don't get to act guilty. You knew what you were doing. You only feel bad cause you got caught. I bet you would have kept doing it." You said, and started to pack your things.

"No, Y/n please don't leave! You're the love of my life. Don't leave me." He cried out, stopping you from packing.

"If I was the love of your life, then why did you break my heart?" You stated. He couldn't even look at you.

"Exactly." You muttered and kept stuffing clothes in a bag. You zipped it up and started to walk away.

"I'll get the rest of my stuff another time."

"Please Y/ n don't do this! I love you so much! It was a mistake." He gripped onto your waist.

"Mistakes happen. You just f*cked up." You said with a blank face and walked out of the house.

You got into your car, him walking next to your car.

You quickly texted a friend, asking if you could stay over at their house for a couple of days and then drove off. Leaving Kol, and your engagement ring in your room.

Yo that was intense.


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