Someone else walks in on you naked/changing pt.2

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You and Stefan were having a heated argument about stupid sh!t again.

"I don't understand why you can't just do what I ask of you. Is it honestly that difficult to not leave your sh!t everywhere?" You rolled your eyes and grabbed his stuff off the floor... again.

"Why are you making such a big deal about this, it's just a couple things." He said, staying calm while sitting at the dinner table.

He had gotten home late, after getting drunk off his @ss.

"Because you do this all the time and it's annoying as hell to have to pick up after you." You threw his shirt on his lap and walked angrily to your shared room.

You started taking your clothes off to take a shower to calm down when you heard a chuckle form behind you.

"KOL WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OUT!" You screamed throwing him out of your room quickly.

"What's going on?" You heard Stefan slur from behind the door.

You quickly opened the door and dragged Stefan in before locking the door. Then you dragged him to the bathroom.

You and Damon had an amazing night...

You woke up to his arms wrapped around you and his head on your chest as you held him. You were both naked.

You decided that since he is so amazing and sweet, you realized you loved him. At that exact moment, you realized that he was the love of your life, the man of your dreams. You smiled brightly and slowly got up, trying not to wake him up, you grabbed your underwear and bra and quickly put it on before grabbing one of Damon's shirt.

You walked downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast

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You walked downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast. You started to make pancakes until you heard someone behind you. You turned around smiling, thinking it was Damon but nope. It was Elena.

"What are you doing here?" You smiled nicely at her, not wanting to start drama.

"I was on my way to go talk to Damon but he's obviously occupied, I'll just wait around." She smirked.

"Okay I'll be right back." You smiled tightly at her before fast walking to Damon's room.

He was laying on the bed with his back facing up so you decided to wake him up.

You smacked his back hard, which stung your hand.

"What the f*ck?" He groaned. A red hand print started to form on his back.

"Why is Elena here looking for you? Are you guys f*cking? I swear, this is so like you Damon, why do I even love you, your a complete @sshole. Maybe cause your so d@mn hot but aside the poi-"

You were cut off by him slamming his lips on yours.

"Babe, Elena and I are not 'f*cking', I just needed help with something. Now what did you say about loving me?" He smirked pulling you closer to him, his arms wrapped around you.

"Shut up."

"I love you too baby." He smiled and attached you with kisses.


You and Katherine were both asleep. You had gotten home really late and were exhausted.

When you got home, you took off most of your clothes except for your underwear and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, you were still asleep. Katherine woke up beside you and gave you a kiss on the forehead before getting up.

You laid there asleep, as Katherine went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Katherine got out of the shower to find Elijah, waiting by the door of your bedroom.

"My, my. Who knew that the 'gentleman' was actually a perv?" Katherine walked out, wrapping a towel around herself.

You laid there wearing:

You laid there wearing:

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"I came here to talk to you

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"I came here to talk to you." He stated, looking Katherine in the eyes.

You woke up but stayed still. You weren't embarrassed about your body, in fact, you actually quite loved your body.

You slowly got up, fully aware that you didn't have a shirt on, and walked over to them.

Elijah stared at you, trying not to look, with wide eyes. Katherine just smirked and gave you a kiss.

"Good morning beautiful." She smiled, as you rubbed your eyes.

"Morning babe, hello Elijah. How are you?" You smiled at him, knowing he was definitely uncomfortable.



That would never happen because everyone knows that if anyone ever saw you naked, he'd rip their head off.


Enzo walked in on you two making out, and you were shirtless, but she tried to cover you. He still saw every thing and he bugs you to this day about it.

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