Someone else walks in on you naked/changing pt.1

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You had just gotten home from school. (your shared apartment with your boyfriend, Elijah)

You decided to take a shower since it was really hot and you were home alone, or so you thought.

In reality, Elijah had company over. Damon, Stefan, Klaus, and Kol were over, having a good time. It rarely ever happened since they would always bicker about everything.

You took a 30 minute shower, because most of the time you just stood under the shower head thinking about random things.

You got out and wrapped a towel around yourself. You brushed your hair and did your normal routine.

You came out of the bathroom and into your bedroom that was connected.

You dropped your towel as you got in front of your dresser and got clothes. You didn't realize that the door was unlocked, and shrieked when you turned around and saw Stefan with a red face.

"STEFAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OUT!" You screamed, throwing the closest thing at him, a stick of deodorant.

He quickly turned around muttering how sorry he was. You shook your head and quickly got dressed. Then you walked out to find your man surrounded by his friends.

"Hello boys." You smiled, and kissed Elijah's cheek as you stood next to him. You looked at Stefan and he was still bright red.

"Hello love, how was school?" Elijah asked, pulling you onto his lap.

"It was good, but why didn't you tell me we were having company?" You muttered the last part.

"I did, you must have forgotten." Elijah smiled, and you just rolled your eyes and got up.

"Well I'll leave you boys to it." You said walking away.

"You're a lucky guy Elijah." You heard Stefan mutter from behind you and you smirked and walked to your bedroom.

You had been working out in the backyard. You had your yoga mat on the floor and you were doing strange poses that helped you relax.

 You had your yoga mat on the floor and you were doing strange poses that helped you relax

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(A/n: you were wearing that)

You decided to take your shirt off because it was getting too hot and no one would see you. You were wearing a sports bra underneath but it was a little too small.

You turned around to walk into your house and saw Rebekah, staring straight at your boobs.

"Oh sorry, didn't know you were out here." She muttered.

"It's fine Rebekah, but my eyes are up here."

You laughed and walked inside shaking your head.

You were half naked, only wearing cute panties and a t-shirt. You had decided to be free and dance around your apartment. Kol had other plans. He invited his brothers and sister over.

You had your headphones in and were listening to music loudly. You also decided to clean around a little.

"I've been down so long it looks like up to me! They look up to me! I got fake people showing fake love to me!" You sang jumping around.

You felt a tap on your shoulders causing you to jump and turn around.

It was Kol, grinning like mad.

"Hello babe, if I would have known you were gonna be wearing that, I would have just canceled." He smirked. You saw Klaus checking you out behind him and Elijah politely looking down. Rebekah just didn't care.

You were changing quickly to go downstairs to hang out with your friends. You took your shirt off so you only had on jeans and a bra.

You looked for a shirt to wear when you heard someone cough. You turned around and saw Damon, and he didn't notice that you were there till you turned around.

"Well, d@mn. You have grown up. Too bad, those are some nice ones."

"Damon shut up." You rolled your eyes and pulled a shirt over your head.

GUYS 12.1k READS OMG YOURE ALL AMAZING! If this can get to like 10 votes, I'll write a part two for this with the others very soon. And follow me!!

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