Elijah imagine

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He makes you feel insecure.

You had just gotten done working out. You wanted to loose some weight for you and Elijah's anniversary. The only bad thing was that you started to eat less. And Elijah could tell but wouldn't say anything.

He had planned for you guys to go out to dinner, where he was gonna propose to you. But obviously, you didn't know that.

You drank from your water bottle as you got into the kitchen and filled it up again.

"Y/N? You there?" You heard Elijah say. You quickly turned around and saw him.

"Hey baby." You smiled and were about to give him a hug but then you remembered that you were all sweaty so you just gave him a kiss.

"Y/N I've been noticing that you have been working out more." Elijah stated, while looking at you with a concerned expression.

"Yeah, it's for the anniversary dinner, I want to look good for you." You said before walking to your bedroom, him close behind you.

"You do realize that you are utterly insane." Elijah muttered. Your eyes went wide as you turned around and looked at him.

"You are beautiful! Your eating less and less everyday! That's not good for you. If anything, I'd say you looked better before. Now you look too skinny." He said calmly.

It shouldn't have hurt but it did. He didn't like it? I worked so hard to loose those pounds. It was all for him.

You felt tears in your eyes but you blocked them away.

"Oh okay, so you want me to be fat and ugly. Thank you Elijah for telling me this. It's really helped me out a lot. I really appreciate it." You shouted and went to the bathroom and locked the door. You slid down by a wall as tears slid down your face.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to say that. That's not how I feel. I'm so sorry, I was just worried about you. You barely ate and all you did was work out. I was scared you were gonna hurt yourself. Please just open the door. I'm sorry sweetie."

You slowly got up and unlocked the door, seeing Elijah look at you with sad eyes.

He pulled you into a tight hug, you letting him and you sobbed.

You could hear him say things like "I'm sorry" and "I love you".

After that, he pulled you to the kitchen and made your favorite food and you both ate, while talking about anything and everything.

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