Katherine Imagine

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Imagine telling your family your gay with Katherine.

You and Katherine spent the entire day together. You went to the mall, she got you a bunch of stuff, even though you told her not to. You then went to lunch, which you payed for, which she didn't like. After that, you guys went to a park and talked about stuff.

"We should get home. It's getting late Kat." You said, looking into her gorgeous eyes.

"Why? Aren't you having fun with me?" She winked, causing you to giggle.

"Yes, but don't you remember, we have dinner with my parents?" You stated, getting up and grabbing your purse.

"Ugh, why? They don't need to know you're gay!"She rolled her eyes and stood up as well.

"Katherine, I know you don't like the idea but they are my family." You said, and grabbed onto her hand. She groaned and you both walked to your car. Obviously, she drove.

When you got home, to your shared apartment, you guys both took a shower... Together.

(A/n: wink wink lol)

After you guys finished, you both got dressed. You were meeting your parents and siblings in a restaurant. You told them you had news to tell them.

 You told them you had news to tell them

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(A/n: that's what you wear)

(A/n: that's what she wore but she brought a cardigan as well)

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(A/n: that's what she wore but she brought a cardigan as well)

"D@mn you look hot y/n." Katherine said from behind you and you felt her grip your waist.

You turned around and smiled at her.

"You look beautiful." You stated and kissed her softly. After that, you both walked downstairs and into your car. You got to the restaurant that you were meeting them up in.

It was only your brother, sister, and your mother. Your father died when you were younger and you were the baby of the group.

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