Katherine Imagine

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Imagine Katherine hurts you

You have liked Katherine for a while now. Everyone knows your in love with her except for her. You guys aren't as close as you would want to be but you talked frequently.

The group was sort of okay with her but she had her moment.

You were on your way to the Salvatore house because you wanted to see if anyone wanted to hang out. They haven't been answering any of your texts so you got worried.

You got there and knocked on the door, it opened instantly.

"What are you doing here y/n?" Damon rolled his eyes as he asked you. You were kind of hurt but still went along with it.

"I can here to see if you guys were okay, you haven't been answering my calls or texts." You said, hoping he would let you in.

"I'm sorry y/n but right now is not the best time for you to come. Just go back home, we are fine." He stated with a blank face.

Then there was a piercing scream.

You're eyes widened as you looked at Damon, him still with a blank expression and pushed him out of the way running into the house.

The scream came from their living room and when you got there, Katherine was sitting on a chair, tied up with a wooden stake in her abdomen.

"Oh my! Katherine!" You said and ran to her.

No one was around so you started pulling the stake out of her.


But it was too late, and Katherine had already sunk her teeth into your neck. You were frozen in fear. It felt horrible.

Stefan grabbed you quickly and ripped Katherine from you, which also hurt.

You were so shocked and in pain that you passed out.

Everyone has always loved you. You were like the baby of the group and everyone always wanted to protect you. You had never been bitten,  until now... by Katherine.

After a couple of hours, you woke up in Damon's room, and the bite was healed. They probably gave you blood.

You sat up and looked around to find Katherine standing by the door.

"You're awake."

You looked into her eyes, and felt hurt and over again. You felt tears fall down your face.

"Look I'm sorry. I was hungry, and I grabbed the first thing I saw." She stated, walking towards you. You flinched when she sat down.

"Do you like me?" You asked softly.

"Of course I do. You're a great friend."

That stung very much.

"Nothing but a great friend. Right, got it." You stated looking down.

"You know what. Screw this." You said and moved over to her. You grabbed her face and kissed her. Her eyes went wide.

You pulled away, waiting for her reaction but nothing came.

You looked down and before you knew it, you were pushed on to the bed harshly and Katherine slammed her lips on yours.

She laid on top of you as you both kissed.

"Hey y/n, you awake ye- oh snap, this is very hot." Damon walked in and said with a surprised face.

"Damon get out." Katherine growled and ripped your shirt off. You squealed softly, surprised by her. She stopped kissing you and slowly took of her shirt. You grabbed a pillow from Damon's bed and threw it at him, which he caught.

"This is my room."

"Then shut up and watch." Katherine winked and went back to her business slipping off her pants.

He closed the door and went into the bathroom, probably to take a long cold shower.

"I have an idea." Katherine whispered to you and winked.

"Okay let's do it." You nodded after she explained to you what was gonna happen. You both went into the bathroom and you took off all your clothes first and got in.

"Y/n, what the hell are you doing?" Damon questioned, obviously checking out your body.

"Oh nothing Damon, just saving water, could you wash my back?" You winked and turned around. You grabbed your hair and moved it to the side so that he got a clear view of your back and @ss.

 You grabbed your hair and moved it to the side so that he got a clear view of your back and @ss

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He put his hands on your back and then he stopped.

"I can't do this! It's you! Little y/n!" He groaned

You turned around and grabbed onto his hands and put them on your waist.

"You can do anything you want Damon." You smirked and then Katherine stepped in... crazy

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