Elena/Damon Imagine

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Important note at the bottom, please read!!

Imagine you and Elena have a thing and you  and Damon have a love/hate relationship.

You and Elena were a thing. Well sort of. You didn't really know what you were but you guys were something.

She would usually flirt with you and whisper dirty stuff to you but then other times, she won't even look at you. You were getting frustrated because she would also have sex with Damon.

You knew that because you were living in the Salvatore house and she was pretty loud. It pissed you off to the point where you poured ice cold water on them while they were sleeping. Don't ask, it was in the spur of the moment.

You wanted to talk to someone about the frustration but since your best friend had left, you couldn't rant to anyone.

After thinking about it all night, you decided.

You woke up extra early and barged into Damon's room. He was in bed with her, kissing her neck. You laughed loudly when they saw you and you threw clothes at them.

"Get dressed Elena, I need to talk to you."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Y/n, get out." Damon groaned

"Damon you can get some later, right now, I need to talk to her."

"Y/N we are busy, it's too early." She stated while glaring over to me.

"Okay then, I'll just sit here. Go ahead do your thing, I'll just wait till your done." You stated while grabbing a chair and sitting down.

"Okay." Damon stated and started to kiss Elena.

"What! No Damon! Stop it- Ow did you just bite me?!" She screamed.

"Whoops, fangs slipped." He smirked. He pulled the sheets off to show that he was wearing shorts. Elena was just wearing a bra and underwear.

"Ugh fine." She rolled her eyes and pulled on her clothes.

You smirked and walked out of the room.

You heard a noise and saw that Damon was behind you.

"You know, you're actually hot when you boss people around." He stated and smacked your @ss hard.

"Damon! Stop it!" You groaned and gripped his hand hard.

"You love it. It's not like I haven't seen it before." He stated with a smug look on his face.

You rolled your eyes.

"You can't just do stuff like that right after you had sex with her. That's not right." You stated, as you looked up at him.

"Y/n you still there?" Elena shouted from Damon's room.

You pushed yourself away from him and saw Elena walk out.

Damon quickly left causing you two to be alone.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" She asked while putting her hand on her waist.

"You need to stop." You stated, her looking confused.

"Need to stop what?" She questioned.

"Whatever your doing with me! It is confusing me and it frustrates me. It's either you like me or you don't. You don't have to play tricks on me." You glared at her, and she just stared with wide eyes.

"You're right. I should stop, it wouldn't be fair to Damon, considering we are officially together." She sighed and waited for your response.

"Wait, what? You and Damon are official?" You said in shock.

"Um yeah?" Elena said as she walked down the hall and into the kitchen.

"That little bi-" you didn't finish because Damon walked in.

"Hey cuties, what did I miss? Did you guys get into a fight? Did I miss it? Ugh that would have been hot." He groaned while you just glared at him.

"DAMON YOU SLEEZY NO GOOD BA$TARD!" You screamed, and pushed him away from you both.

"Wait, what's happening right now?" Elena questioned, obviously confused.

"Okay, why do I get the abuse! Elena did it too! Don't think I don't know that!" He groaned.

"Ohh, I know what we are talking about." Elena stated and smirked.

"Wait you both know each other's actions?" You glared.

They both grinned sheepishly.

"Okay you both need to stop trying to seduce me because it is working too well and I don't like it! Stop being so d@mn hot for a sec and leave me alone! My hormones and I can't take it!" You groaned and walked out of the room.


So this book has over 800 reads! That is amazing! You guys are awesome! Since the Katherine imagine got five votes, I will be doing a part two for it very soon but you have to be patient because school started and I just began high school which is crazy so just hang in there! Thank you so much, if you could vote, and comment stuff, that would be amazing! I love reading what people write.

If anyone wants to request something, please feel free to IM me.

Okay I'll shut up lol

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