They walk in on you changing/ naked (Part 2)

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Damon had invited you to have a pool day. You had just gotten out of the shower and were about to get ready when you realized that you were late. You quickly pout on a big shirt and shorts and ran out the door to your car.

You got to Damon's house (A/N: pretend the boarding house has a pool) and quickly said hi to your boyfriend before running up to his room to put on your bathing suit.

You got to Damon's house (A/N: pretend the boarding house has a pool) and quickly said hi to your boyfriend before running up to his room to put on your bathing suit

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You took off your shirt and grabbed the top part of your bikini. You only had on the bikini top and your panties which you slipped off. You turned around to look for your bottoms.

"Hey Y/N- Woooow." Damon whistled. You quickly turned around and covered your front to see Damon staring at you with a smirk.

"I love your @ss baby." He said, quickly going to you and grabbing you. He turned you around so that your backside was facing him. You said nothing, your eyes wide as you felt him grab your cheek roughly.

"Sexy." He muttered and stared to kiss your neck.

"Okay, Damon. That's enough. I feel your little friend, you're getting too excited." You laughed and pulled away from him. He grabbed you again.

"Nothing about my is little baby." He muttered, and smacked your butt hard, before walked away leaving you to glare at him.

You had gotten to your apartment after work and threw off your bags and shoes. You lived alone, so usually, you would walk around naked. I mean, your place, your rules?

You had completely forgotten that your boyfriend Stefan was supposed to come over that night.

You walked around cleaning things up in only your underwear.

You turned around, only to see your boyfriend staring at you with wide eyes.

You put your hand on your waist and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh- Y/N, w-what." He stuttered, looking straight at your boobs.

"Stefan, my eyes are up here." You laughed before going to your room to put on some clothes.

After that, Stefan apologized multiple times, which you just told him that it was okay. Then you decided to take a shower, together...

You and Katherine were best friends. You guys lived together so it was normal to see each other naked.

One day, it was hot. Like super hot. Katherine was taking a shower. And you had a thing for her so you decided that today would be the day that you made a move. You quietly went to her bedroom.

You stuck your head in the bathroom.

She had shampoo in her hair and it was going down her face so she had her eyes closed

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She had shampoo in her hair and it was going down her face so she had her eyes closed.

"Y/N?" She asked, knowing that someone was watching her.

"Oh u-uh yeah." You stuttered.

She faced the fall, as you quickly removed your clothes and stepped in with her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, finally able to open her eyes as she saw you go in.

"My shower head broke, and I need to leave so I have to take a shower." You stated, still looking at her.

"Oh okay, but don't pee on my feet or your gonna get it!" She laughed before raising her head to look at the ceiling as water fell on her. You slowly put your hands on her waist causing her to turn her head.

You turned her around so that she was facing you.

Then you put your hands on her cheeks and kissed her.

Soon enough, she started kissing back. Her hands landed on your back and slowly slid to your butt. You pushed your wet hair out of the way, before she shifted quickly and pushed you against the wall causing you to gasp.

You looked at her with wide eyes.

"Finally!" She grinned, before pulling her body close to you and kissing you roughly.

You had just gotten out of Y/F/S practice (Y/F/S: your favorite sport) and you didn't like taking a shower at school so you went over to Enzo's apartment to shower. You were supposed to go over either way so why not?

You got there and realized that he wasn't home so you connected your phone to the speaker in the bathroom and played "Like I Would" by Zayn.

You got into the shower quickly while dancing to the song.

"He, won't touch you like I do
He, won't love you like I would
He don't know your body
He don't do you right
He won't love you like I would
Love you like I would!" You sang as you scrubbed your body with soap.

You got out of the shower when you were done and put a towel around yourself. You put deodorant on, and went to turn off the speaker.


You shrieked and quickly turned around to see Enzo leaning against the wall, smirking at you.

"Don't do that! You scared me!" You shouted and gave him a dirty look.

"You look hot." He grinned and walked towards you.

You thought he was gonna give you a kiss but nope, he grabbed your towel and ripped it off of you. You stared at him with wide eyes and quickly covered yourself.

"Enzo! Give it back!!" You seethed.

"You've got a cute butt. Oh my, is that a mole on your left cheek?" He asked while laughing. You realized that the mirror was letting him see everything.


He groaned before giving you the towel and going to give you a hug.

"No no no! You don't get one till I get some clothes on. You'd probably hump me or something." You laughed and he glared at you. Then he, with vampire speed, got to you, threw you over his shoulder before you could even react. He walked normally out of the bathroom.

"ENZO PUT ME DOWN YOU HAVE A CLEAR VIEW OF MY @SS AND MY VAGINA IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!!" You shouted, only to have him bite your cheek. You smacked his back when he did that and tried to cover up.

"You are SO not getting any tonight!" You screamed, and right then, he threw you on his bed.

"Are you sure about that?" He smiled evilly you tried to put the covers on yourself but he yanked them off.

Then bam, seal the deal.

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