Katherine Imagine pt. 2

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Imagine you dating Elijah and her not being okay with it because shes in love with you so she insults you pt.2

It's been weeks. You haven't seen Katherine in weeks. She hasn't tried to contact you at all. Elijah's been a good help but he's getting worried. You are always sad.

"Y/N come on. You need to go outside. This is not healthy." Elijah groaned, again, trying to get you out of your room.

"No! I'm safe in my little bubble. Your disturbing the peace." You said, from under your blankets and pillows.

You'd only gone out of your room to get food. I mean, bathroom in room, perfect.

"Y/N if you don't get out, I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna rip off those blankets. Maybe even your clothes... If I'm lucky." He said cheekily.

Dirty Elijah, love it.

"You wouldn't dare."

Oh he would.

You felt the comfy mess of your bubble ripped from your arms before you could even comprehend what happened.

Thankfully, your clothes was in tact.

"Elijah!" You screamed and shot up to grasp your blanket.

You knew that he was to fast to catch, and too tall so you thought of the next best thing.

You quickly slid to the floor and pulled down his pants.

"Nice undies babe." You laughed.

"Seriously Y/N? You're so immature." He rolled his eyes and pulled his pants up.

Ha hoe.

"You should talk to Katherine."

"Are you seriously telling me this? Isn't she the b!tch ex girlfriend that you hate?" You stated with a blank look.

"Yes, but you guys were best friends, and you've been acting differently since you fought." He said and sat on your bed.

"She won't talk to me. The last thing I told her was 'Katherine Pierce, go to hell.' I'm pretty sure she won't talk to me." You said and sat on his lap.

"I'm sure she would... Cause she's downstairs." He whispered the last part hoping you wouldn't hear.

"Wait, are you kidding me?" You said with wide eyes.

"You little-" you said but he walked away before you could finish.

You knew that Elijah left the house. He doesn't want to be there when things are thrown at each other.

You walked downstairs to see her, sitting the counter of your kitchen.


You completely ignored her and proceeded to make yourself something to eat.

"Y/N please talk to me. I'm sorry about what I said."

You grabbed a bowl and milk. Then, you opened a cabinet and grabbed your favorite cereal, fruity pebbles.

"I love you."

Your eyes went wide and you dropped the bowl, causing it to shatter on the floor and you to step on glass.

"Oh sh!t!" You screamed as you sliced your foot.

"Oh my gosh y/n!" She rushed over to you to help.

She say you down on the counter and looked at your foot. Then she grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom because she knew where everything is.

"You love me?" You asked, as she sprayed some stuff on your foot causing you to flinch.


"But in a friend way right?" You questioned.

"No. In a I'm in love with you way Y/N."

You started to laugh loudly.

"Are you kidding?" You giggled.

"No. I love you."

You stayed quiet as she finished disinfecting your foot and covering it with gauze and a bandaid.

She finished and looked up at you.

"I want to kiss you." She whispered.


She grabbed onto your face and pulled you into a harsh, yet soft kiss.

And you kissed back.

"You guys must be really close."

You quickly pulled away to see Elijah staring at you too.

"This isn't what you think Elijah. I can explain." You said quickly.

"I shouldn't be turned on by this." He said and walked towards you guys.

"But you are. Two hot girls making out. Who wouldn't be?" Katherine giggled.

"I am not doing this." You stated, and grabbed Elijah's hand.

"I love you so much, but I think I like Katherine as well. What do I do?" You asked him.

"I can share." Katherine shrugged.

You glared at Katherine and looked back at Elijah.

"I can too."


Did you guys like it? Vote, comment! Tell me what you think. Cause I might do a third part. To see who she chooses, him or her.

Maybe even both. Comment what I should do cause I'm kinda stuck on what to do lol.

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