Chapter 50: A Friend for the Long Haul

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"You want to ... form a party?"

Xuelian looked at me with a straight face, "Is something wrong?"

I was confused why would this person choose me of all people, some stranger she had just met to party up with.

"Yeah, but Why me?"

"Well, you're strong. You have the look of someone who could ... someone who will survive this. Also, you have a trustworthy face."

"A, trust, worthy... face?"

Somehow, I think she was not telling me the truth.

"Yes, if we're planning on surviving this, we'll need someone to rely on. I don't think this is something we'll be able to beat on our own, especially considering that if that boss we passed by is any indication of how difficult this will be. We will need to have strong, trustworthy allies."

"So, what you're asking me is, will I team up with you?"

"Yes, exactly," She said smiling.

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