Chapter 175: A Grand Vision

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Xuelian expressed her desire for us to find the boss together. This is had to be her competitive side.

The more I got to know her, the more I felt that she was striving for some goal, some lofty dream or desire. I don't think it's as simple as wanting to be the best, or even just for the thrill of competition, it was something much more deeply personal.

I could feel it was as if she wanted to see how far she could go; to see how far she could push her limits. Even that wasn't the summation of it.

I think she was trying so hard for her future self, to learn all she could, do all she can for her future.

At least that's what it felt like.

But what do I really know about her anyway?

"So, what's the plan?" I asked.

I could she her face visibly brighten, just a little. I think she was happy.

"First we need to get stronger much stronger and quickly. I had been thinking about it for some time our pace is too slow. Tsubasa we should focus the next two weeks on leveling," she said bluntly.

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