Chapter 140: Nickels and Dimes

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"Tsubasa the info's gonna cost you," Cyrus grinned

"Of course, it does, it always does with you. You con artist."

"I'm just a humble merchant doing business Tsubasa. Gotta put food on the table."

"Yeah, yeah here," I opened up the menu and transferred the money over to him. It didn't cost much but the fact that he was nickel and diming me was irritating.

"Thank you for your business Tsubasa. So, I just learned that after the class change and you hit level fifteen the option to rent and buy buildings becomes available."

"Aside from the fact that I just had to pay for that, that's pretty useful info."

"Well good cause I have some other useful info for you."

"Really again? you are trying to break me!"

"Well, I can't exactly charge for this information since most everyone knows about it. Well, I could charge for it, but that would make me a jerk."

"Too late for that," I said.

Cyrus then cracked a grin.

"So, Cyrus what is this information?" Xuelian interjected.

"Right, take a look at this."

Cyrus passed us two of pieces of paper. They were pamphlets, something about a meeting.

"So, what about it?"

"Take a close look."

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