Chapter 166: Pride

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With the player meeting having finally drawn to a close, many began to get up and leave immediately.

Just as Arthorias said there were many who were handing out «Player Guides» to each player as they left.

To my surprise even from where I was sitting, I could see quite a few players turning down the guidebooks being offered.

This was a surprise to me. The only thing I could rationalize is it might be pride.

Gamers were a prideful bunch. No, that's not right, people are prideful.

There are many that can't tell the difference between a helping hand and a handout.

Some live for the challenge and hate making things easy, others like to discover things on their own, others don't want to feel like they owe someone something, other may simply be afraid to ask for help.

Then there are those that just feel like they don't need help or don't want to be looked down on; they feel they are far above wanting or needing help.

I won't be one of those people.

After most of the players left, Xuelian and I walked to the exit. We both received a copy of the guidebook.

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