Chapter 154: The Dead Walking

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"On this memorial stone, it lists of the names of every player who has died. The stone also gives general information about the player, the gravestone details the time of death, approximate location, and a brief summary of the cause of death," Arthorias took a deep breath.

"To those that have indeed lost someone you have my sincerest condolences. But now I must speak on another matter a rumor that goes with this. This may be the cruelest thing I have to say, but it must be said. Many players have claimed to have seen the corpses of dead wandering around and have even attacked other players.

As of now this rumor...

Is confirmed fact."

Amongst the crowd of player, a loud murmur erupted. Players discussing the rumors they heard and the meaning of this confirmation.

"Xuelian have you heard about this?"

She looked at me and shook her head.

"Everyone!" Arthorias called out to the crowd. "Don't be afraid. This game is treacherous but it's not unbeatable. In light of this information, we all will triumph if we stay calm, stay focused and don't give into our fears."

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