Chapter 164: Turn of Events

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Arthorias introduced one last speaker. This speaker would talk about the prized that would be given to the finalists and winner.

Seeing as this tournament would obviously draw a massive number of players, it would be fair to compensate those who made it pretty far into the tournament.

As Arthorias introduced the next speaker, the spot moved away from him and on to the person who stepped up beside him.

...To my surprise, it was Cyrus.

"Wait what's going on?" I leaned forward.

I looked at Xuelian who was just as confused as I was.

Why was Cyrus one of the speakers. And then it clicked.

"Xuelian are you seeing this. Cyrus didn't say anything to you about this did he?"

I turned back to Xuelian who had an irritated look on her face.

"No, he didn't," She said shaking her head.

Tournaments usually offered a variety of prices whether it was monetary, and or exclusive items or equipment.

This tournament gave Cyrus the opportunity to make custom gear as a rewards for the winners to spread his name has a smith.

That had to be the reason for why he was down there.

"Hello everyone," Cyrus said aloud.

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