Chapter 170: Non-Disclosure Agreement

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Cyrus had walked in the door.

"Hey Leiliana, we're closing the shop for the day; I need a rest from the meeting with Arthorias..."

Cyrus looked up to see the two of us standing there at the counter.

"Oh boy, I thought this would happen. Give me a second."

We watched Cyrus walk around behind the counter and sit down, and then heard him loudly sigh before saying. "Okay, what can I do for you!"

The tone of voice that Cyrus spoke in gave me the impression he knew what was about to happen.

Xuelian then slammed her hands on the table and in a voice that was quiet and yet somehow really intimidating.

"What the Hell Cyrus. Why did you not say anything to us about the tournament and the winnings."

Cyrus sighed again, "listen you two. I like you both, it's not that I wouldn't have told you, but I couldn't. I was under an NDA «Non-Disclosure Agreement» by Arthorias."

"Still, we're your customers, and I thought we were friends."

Cyrus sighed again, "Xuelian I get it, I truly do, but not taking it would cost me an enormous marketing potential."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

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